Your comments

This is a pretty broad request and is complicated by many factors. To start with, how are you selling ads now and how do you estimate how many impressions are available for selling? Do you server a remnant ad now to track 'unused' inventory?
The BLOX template publishing process is not able to offer preprocessing at runtime nor as part of the publishing process. There is no easy way to add this support given the current filesystem layout and separation of products. Any preprocessing on these files must be done before providing them to the software and is a manual process for the template designer in question.
5 decimal places should be all that is required as this is accurate to within about 1 meter of the location ( That being said, I would open a support ticket with the article and coordinate data you are using that is having an issue so that we can further research what might be going on.
We have explored offering a module that communicates with Disqus and will likely bring one to market.

One issue is that the single-signon feature does not provide a lot of control to the site. You can offer a BLOX login, for example, but you can't prevent a user from logging into Twitter and posting comments - even if you ban their user account in BLOX. Additionally, the process for acquiring an API key must be requested for each site via a control in their dash board and is  provisioned after review.

If your site is using the business directory application, venue data is stored in the business directory system and is re-useable across events. Entering multiple events for the same venue during the browser session will also offer a drop-down of 'recent' entries for quickly re-selecting venues.

So let me see if I understand what you are driving at - the user would crop the original photo in the BLOX admin and as part of that edit be offered a choice to reprocess all thumbnails on this new permutation of the web photo?

Also, it does sound like there is some need on the template side for a 'closest' choice width - When something is not quite 300 pixels but is within a certain margin of error - to use that photo instead.

I don't know if Facebook would know about the event in reverse - but if there is an asset in Facebook that is attached to the event then the templates on the site would use the client-side Facebook API to query for photos or other activity streams.

We can probably build something that copies an asset since we do this in editorial - however - you would not be able to change the kind of asset. For example, you could duplicate a banner ad asset, but you would not be able to change to a Flash creative. Given that limitation, would this still be a useful change?

We are slowly making changes to the underlying template system to prepare for adding some kind of version control in the future. GIT is currently the primary front runner in our choice of a VCS. It is unlikely at present that we will introduce lots of admin UI around source control - use of GIT would require external tools with the admin acting more as a location to view and pull updates.