Your comments

Craig, what URL are performing the test against?
We do not provide .htaccess support in the BLOX platform. All browser caching optimizations are handled within the engine based on how the content can be accessed. What issue are you trying to address? If something should be caching and it is not, we can explore what can be done to improve that aspect of the system.
Some template changes to add nofollow to links where it bots might get into trouble - particularly on paging URLs - have you noticed any decrease in spidering in the last couple of weeks?
What did you set crawl delay too? You might need to explicitly target msnbot. I saw this older post on their blog:
In the exported HTML report, these should have been restored.
At present, all information that is entered is lost if the session expires. It's possible that the template-side of the equation could store some information into DOM storage, but there are many security issues with both client and server side storage scenarios, particularly if credit cards are being captured in any of this. For calendar events, if you are posting to the calendar system, a user should be able to save an event that is unpublished.
We are working on an updated version of the business directory system that will use a different search technology under-the-hood that may improve the reliability of section tagging. What kind of tags are not working for you?
Have you tried setting up webmaster tools in Bing? The 'crawler delay' feature was something that bots experimentally toyed with, but ultimately, have shuffled those kind of controls into the webmaster tools portion of those systems. You can control throttling there in at least Microsoft and Google's implementations. Frustratingly, all of the providers run different bots against the same content for different purposes.
The processing of stats caught up on all sites in our Chicago data center around 7PM central time and should be reflecting the proper impression counts on all ads now. We apologize for the inconvience.