Your comments

Are you using PayPal Payflow Pro? They should be able to view and export all transactions that are flowing through the admin interface on that.
Ad-Owl and BLOX subscriptions do not record transactions in BLOX transaction manager at this time. They both pre-date the BLOX transaction system and we have not spent time to migrate those payment systems into the BLOX transaction system yet.
We are making a change in the 1.17.0 release of BLOX that will allow for higher precision latitude/longitude coordinates to be entered and stored. 
This depends on how content is being loaded into your site. If content is being loaded by a feed, it's possible the job is stripping this content and we can look into modifying the feed import mechanism.
The only forecasting report in BLOX right now is the monthly forecast report which is based on historical delivery and is estimate of remaining inventory for the current month. That report is available in the Statistics > Ad Manager > Monthly Forecast report. The report is based on the remaining number of days in the current month and gives a break down by postiion, ad, and ad/position combinations.

We could modify this report to allow you to specify a date range and perform our estimation on this supplied date range. For that report to be effective, an ad would always have to be served which could either be a house ad or a remnant ad. Another search criteria items could be position and section tag. If we made some of these changes, would this be helpful for some of the reporting needs you have?
We have considered Google+ in the past, however, posting to Google+ by automated meanings will not appear on any wall - only in searches if a end users attempt to find the content. In order to have content from an external system appear as a public posting, you would still need to log in to Google+ and mark the item as a public posting.
How does DoubleClick know how many impressions are available? BLOX Ad Manager can be queried how many ads have been served in a time period - but it has no idea how much inventory is available or how much has been sold.

Conversations in the past have talked about delivering a 'blank' ad when all ads on a position no longer meet the requirements. These blank ad serves can be tracked and serve as a basis for estimating inventory. The problem with this approach is that it will likely mean that inheritance can't be used in ad manager for a site that wants to track inventory this way.
Support for clearing sections has now been added and is deployed.
We could probably add a soft limit pretty easily. I don't know if we would make the error message customizable. One danger with shorter headlines is balancing this with SEO since Google will reflect the headline against all other search results.
Jason - is it an issue more for print than online or just a general policy for all headlines?