Your comments

That could work, if I can get the reports and editors to actually do it. I've already created a "Top Story" block that lets them float an article to the top of the homepage by simply selecting that flag. However they still would rather go in and mess with the Start Times each day.

Any sort of easy to use controls, available from the TCMS asset editor (not Design/Blocks), could help and are something worth adding to the system even if they don't fix the problems I have here.

Oh we have that problem as well Nick, but at least in those cases the story is actually online and links pushed out via Social Broadcast work and don't result in a 404 page.

We're all got different use cases, so the ability to enable or disable this functionality would be required.

Michael I agree, I see this as totally optional and controllable at each site.

That said, I'd throw a pile of money at this feature right now if it would help get it implemented because of how much headache it would save me.

Thanks Nick. Took me a second to realize that 580x72 is the same ratio as the 728x90 of leaderboards we are already running, makes perfect sense!

Ours is simply showing up as our url in every single place that I can see.

Is this value being inserted into each page's Title tag simply by checking the URL on each page load and inserting it or is the value actually set somewhere in the database?

Did you ever get anywhere with this Nick?

I made a request to set it how we want during our Flex transition but it never got done.

I then opened a dedicated ticket for the change and it has been a month with no reply at all.

This is definitely why I'd see it as a site configurable option. That said, I can't think of any legit reasons to change it after it has gone "reader visible" since in essence it is deceiving the readers about when something was first published.

My users are trying to "arrange" things on the site (because they want to treat the internet like a printed page that remains in a static state for 24 hours). But I digress...

I've given them legitimate ways to do what they want such as the Top Story Flag pinning an article to the top of the front page and email newsletters (what they accomplished in my above example by changing the Start Time into the future). But I'm loosing the battle on the technical comprehension side of the equation and they see it as easier to just change the start time with no understanding of the consequences.

And so as I said in my OP, I've come here seeking a technical solution for something that in reality should only require user training. But I figured there is a good chance it could help other newspapers with less tech-savvy users working in the system as well.

No, they're taking it offline without realizing it by futzing around with the Start Time. They simply can't grasp the relationship between the Start Time, Site Tag and TCMS workflows that give it the Site Tag.

I'm looking for a way to keep something online after it gets there in almost all cases (with the DNP box being the big override).

For example just the other day we had a big story that had over 10K link clicks on Facebook of people coming to read the article. However they ended up pulling it offline in the evening while messing around with the Start Time.

I can think of very few cases that an article should be unpublished from the website once getting there, especially after it has been shared on social media for 12 hours. Directing readers to a 404 error is only going to lead to frustration and bounces.

Since the Banner Ads area already has this same functionality I was hoping it might be easy to implement inside Editorial as well.

Curious to hear the answer. I've always had it in my head that proximity is based off the center point of the zip code so I have done 5 or 10 miles by default.

That said, I've always tried to discourage advertisers from using the feature. Those who do never see the number of impressions they'd like.

It also doesn't feel like a very exact science. I've seen different IP-base geolocation services place me all over the map when testing.

Here is the old thread that Aidian referenced:

I still think a bulk export feature for image files could be very useful.