Your comments

We'd probably be interesting in implementing this as well once we figured out how to price it.

Rob, we've toyed around with this a little. But in our case it was for products already on hand, it didn't involve any of the on-demand companies like CafePress.

While I'm sure the ability to do so through Town News would generated some excitment here, I'm personally not sure how big the market for stuff with our logo on it would actually be.

I think "Staff" is the way to go. It conveys that someone is a company employee very clearly.

I think "Admin" could much more easily be interpreted that someone was in a position of authority, which in the case of reporters where I see this little flag being most applicable, they are not.

Thank you Patrick. It would save our photographers time on deadline for sure.

Glad to hear it is in the plans. That initial screen readers without a subscription see is often times the only chance most papers have to convert a non-subscriber.

Thanks Rich.

Any hope of this getting simplified in the future? It would be great if there was an area that non-certified folks could simply edit some HTML to be used in these places and would really open up the great potential these screens have to drive Day Passes and Subscriptions to more Town News customers.

I definitely like the idea of being able to set specific (not all) flags to expire after a configurable amount of time. Breaking is the perfect example for this.