Your comments

It actually looks like your "blox-ad-position-fixed-big-ad-top-left1" has a bottom margin of 40 which is pushing everything down.

Site Templates (or Flex) -> Components -> Template -> macros ->

I think? YMMV...

Agreed. We used to do this feature all the time in wordpress. We also have our branded bitlink, so the ability to put in our oauth key to use it would be even better.

You should add in a feature request for this.

We have this enabled... but in my testing, I've never seen it work. I would like to see what it even does exactly.

I would also like to see a version history for this as well. Too many times there's changes but then you want to go back so it's trying to figure out where everything went in the first place.

It does make sense, but I can't think of a way to do it. I believe there was mention (in one of these threads, somewhere) that there may be in the future a flag for the BLOX system to know what stories are currently on the page and allow other blocks to change based on that data.

I would suggest using reCAPTCHA instead rather than BLOX's version. Then you get what you're looking for, plus better mobile friendly versions.

Settings -> CAPTCHA -> Use reCAPTCHA version 2

How did you build the staff pages themselves? Are they made dynamically or did you have to create a specific URL for each member?

Is that possible to do in BLOX? Would they be both the same ad, or different ones?

This ties into a feature request I made a short while ago:

Longer revision history and more detailed as well would be beneficial.