Your comments

Yeah, I figured it would be quite complicated. But I do like that restricted mode you suggested. It could be only specific admins can access it (through user group access) or specific users could be added to a "safe list" within the asset. If there's enough interest, I can submit a feature request ticket.

To tack onto this, does this work with Canadian postal codes?

This is something we'd use a lot too. This could even be expanded into the preset Content Boxes, so you can quickly pre-make styles (such as a special quote) and bring it into your story.

This would work especially if you're using Google ads. Google doesn't allow their ads on pages they deem goes against their TOS, but they are very quick to brush your pages as "bad" and will turn off your ad-serving. Keywords would be good to help with that as well.

Alternatively, also adding in an option to exclude ads from sections. "ROS, except ..."

Did you get any update on this or solution? We're trying to connect to FB instant articles as well, but we're getting the same error.

Please include all of the images found in the web article:

Add Embeds or Media

Instant Articles should offer readers the same experience as the web version. It looks like one or more of your articles are missing social embeds and/or some media elements (images/video) from the web version of the article. Learn about how to use social embeds, add missing images and add missing native videos to your Instant Articles.

They are essentially the same thing. But to break it down (as I understand it), it's something like this;

Teaser: What image that will show on the front-end of your site when listing the article it's attached to. Will show an image on the front-end if there is no image attached to the article, or if there is a completely different one.

Preview: How the image will show on the front-end of your site. Should be the same image as what was uploaded, but could be better cropped for front-end viewing. (e.g. If it's a portrait of a person, could be cropped so their head is visible on the front-end and not something else when automatically cropped, such as their chest.)

Have you tried editing the html and place a <br> tag where you want a line break?

<p>Paragraph first line goes here<br>Second line goes here.</p>

If you add in your photos as a child element (like you normally do), drag the specific image from the sidebar into the body of your text to the location you want. The image will appear in the body text rather than lumped into the gallery view.