Your comments

They do accept the code, but you just have to put them in manually. That's how we've been doing it in the meantime.





<a href="#"></a>

I just saw that same Safari bug when trying to figure out why video wasn't working. We're pretty keen on using this, so I've updated the error it throws to say "Safari doesn't currently support WebVR. Please use an alternate browser to view this content." It's a shame it won't work yet, but I don't mind trying to push those Safari users onto a better browser anyway. :p

From our stats, 40% use Chrome, 28% Safari (in-app), 20% Safari, 5% Android Browser, 4% Firefox. + all the rest for the remaining per cent. So I understand where you're coming from with compatibility. That being said, I think we'd rather move forward with the techology than suffer because of Apple's lack of support. Might finally be a kick in the pants for them if users, rather than developers, complain to them.

Would a solution be to add in a "disable user reactions for this story" box, or even "Select which user reactions are visible for this story."

Although I think option 1 would be more ideal.

You can upload multi-page pdfs to Blox. Are you using just the regular asset manager?

I would also like to see this in the Related tab for child/sibling/parent/etc... assets. I think just showing the red square would be enough by the title.

"but unfortunately that doesn't stop another user without permissions from simply opening the asset."

Which is what this (hopefully) can solve. This is to "lock-down" an asset so only a select few (who are chosen by the author or someone with specific permissions) can open an asset to view/edit/save it.

We have a dedicated video department for our paper. We recently acquired "Western TV" and merged it into our "Gazette Video" section. We're still in a transition period, but it will all eventually be under the "Gazette Video" banner. Previously, videos were of "okay" quality, but there was not much user interaction with them. When Western TV was on it's own, they did more lifestyle pieces and they were more amateur quality with a lack of overall vision. We brought that under the Gazette banner and now there is a more editorial focus with better production capabilities. Keep in mind, this is still a student-run paper and video section. There will be further integration of video in with the Gazette over the next few years, with hopes that a lot of articles will have a video attached to it in some form.

Western TV YouTube

Gazette Video YouTube

We haven't been using the built-in BLOX video, as all the old videos are still on YouTube and we find that has better integration with our social-media channels. I've set up syndication so that it will automatically add in the latest video to our site. Our site's video section needs to be overhauled though: Gazette Multimedia.

We currently use Canon digital SLRs for most video production; since they can shoot in HD, have access to a variaty of lenses and we can share between the photo department. For more serious production we use a BlackMagic Cinema camera with an EF mount so we can still use our Canon lenses.

We built a PC from scratch and moved editing workflow from our Mac to Windows. Especially with Apple dropping the ball big-time with the Mac Pro, we were able to create a PC much more powerful for the same cost as a current decked-out Mac. We're looking into options to upgrade our old Mac Pro with a better CPU and Nvidia just announced Mac drivers for all their new cards... so here's hoping that we can put a GTI 1080 or similar in it to keep it current.

Since they still use the Adobe suite for the majority of their process, there was no issue with re-learning the software. Divinci Resolve came with the BlackMagic camera and there has been a lot of use out of that, which I like. Eventually we want to get away from Adobe, but that's a whole other issue...

Yes, this is something we've encountered before too. It would nice to browse through stories without resorting to searching. We've currently dealt with it by having a large amount of recient stories visible, but from a visual-standpoint, it gets too cluttered.

We've enabled it! We love how it adds in an extra level of interaction for those people who want to comment on a story without actually commenting. I would like to see a simple "smile/happy" icon though.

Not posted online, but a user with access to editorial assets went into the article to copy/paste and sent that to specific people. Since they didn't save the article to close it, it won't show up in the revision log. This is showing a huge trust issue, which is the bigger disappointment here. In the meantime, we might have to start working on sensitive articles offline and then post them when ready.