Your comments

Newsletter was sent out today. So what I thought, the "From" field is just for the display name and not the actual email address.

That's what I thought too. But I believe that's just for the name displayed, not the actual from email. I'll give it a try, though.

We have a scheduled newsletter for Tuesday, so I'll report back to see if that worked.

Do you mean built-in, native support? I've never used Document Cloud before, but it looks like you can just embed docs on your site with the snippits they provide.

You should be able to make the docs as an HTML asset and bring it directly in, or attach it, to your article. They all seem to run on this loader: " // " so you could copy that into your custom site js and then you won't have to load it with each snippit.

I don't think keeping metadata in every single photo, regardless of size, is a good idea. It will increase page loads a lot, which eats up bandwidth and makes users frustrated as it slows down their browsing.

I do agree with the copyright info fields, but it might be easier to just put that in the caption for now.

I think a copyright tab is something we would use, but it's not on our minds right now. Spots for: Author, Date Taken, Location (GPS location from camera, if any), Subject, Licence (ie, CC licence, or other), Camera info, etc... I wonder if it could even be auto-filled from the metadata uploaded with the file.

Ah, true... I never throught of them for analytics. But I'm sure other newsrooms utilize it more than we do. I wonder if there's a happy medium then... maybe 20 characters. :P

BTW, how do you use the UID for analytics?

What we would love to see is the removal of the "article_12345..." part of the URL. I know it's a unique identifier, but they still make the urls quite unattractive and messy.

I like Kyle's idea of the date in the URL. Would it be possible to combine both the date and the url title to be the unique identifier? Something just to get rid of 40+ ugly characters.

Yes! We do yearly cleanups of our admin users (our staff rolls over yearly), and it's quite annoying not to be able to see who exactly has what position applied to them.

If it wasn't added here, at least let us search in the user account list. ie:

Or, under "Type:" do,

  • Normal
  • Admin - All
  • Admin - Administrators
  • Admin - Ad Manager
  • Admin - Ad Reps


Oh, that helps a lot. Can't believe I missed this.

Is this setting on a user-basis, or if I enable it (as an admin), does it go site-wide?

Oh, I like this. It's annoying when we fix a simple spelling mistake (maybe caught a few weeks after publication) and it updates the whole story time.

Have "Originally published: Date" and "Updated: Date" in the story header.

Would this be a simple checkbox that we select before updating the story, and would it clear each time we save?

"How would google count the page views?"

Just a quick google (haha) brought me to this:

So, looks like you could set up a virtual pageview that would trigger at set points when a user scrolls past it (such as attached to a headline.) But from my limited searching, that method may be depreciated. Either way, it would have to be implimented on the BLOX side of things.