Your comments

Hi there!

Can you give me a specific use case for this? What are you trying to do?

We do have an "archive" time... this will remove it from certain blocks, but it will still be available on the front end in a search, etc.

Hi guys!

Yes we disabled the ability to promote a user account to an admin temporarily, but that should be working again now.

If you are still having any issues, please submit a support ticket for our Customer Service team, they will be able to help you out quickly. =)

Hi Marshall!

There is not a way to turn off the headline now. However, note that the headline is still used in many places throughout the site, such as on some auxiliary block, search results, social media, og tags, etc. So, I would think of the hammer headline as an extra graphical highlight, but you still need a good main headline.

Just to make sure I understand... you're saying that you'd like to be able to "@" someone in a post that you're typing in BLOX Notifier. Then, when it goes to Facebook or Twitter, it becomes a tag to that person's account. If the tags are different, you'd have to send a different message to Facebook versus Twitter, etc.

And, separately, you want support for Calendar and Classifieds to be able to be sent into Notifier.

The counts are there, they are just hidden by default. You can use CSS to display them or move them around:

.tnt-chart-bar text.tnt-chart-count {
    display: block;
.tnt-chart-bar text.tnt-chart-percent {
    display: none;

If you display both, they will essentially be on top of each other, so you'll have to use CSS to move one of them around.

Hi John!

Can you describe a little more about your use case? For example, if you're just making a small text change, and don't want to declare it as a real update, you can use this feature:

We have testers for both initiatives now, thank you! If anyone reads this in the future ... we no longer need beta testers, but if you are interested in these issues, please contact us! Thanks!

Hi guys!

We have now added more logic to our "automated" photo sales option. See this updated doc:

We have also added the ability to turn off photo sales per section (via custom properties), as well as batch update photo sales.

Hope this helps!


I would just like to mention again that we do have page schedules...

When you create a new schedule, it starts with the existing page, and then you can just move/add one or two new blocks. Those block changes would happen just during the specific time frame.

I think that this would meet the needs of most of the use cases provided.