Your comments

Hi Greg! I would submit a ticket to our CRM job system. As Robert said, you can get a few of them with exports, or we may be able to look at a job or something else, depending on your needs.

Jason, we're going to treat this as a bug for now... Can you submit a CRM ticket with an example of an asset that didn't get posted, if you have one? I would like to see the domain set up and so forth.

As a side note, we do have a setting now to "reset start time" as part of a workflow change. So, when the article goes live, you can reset the start time to now, and this may actually fix the issue (we'll need to test that), but it may be desired behavior on your side anyway, regardless of whether or not it fixes the issue.

That way, the article start time reflects the actual time it went online, rather then when the reported started working on it.

Are you guys using workflows? Does the start time of the asset pass before the the publish setting is enabled?

Are you sure they aren't hitting "save as draft"? "Save as draft" will do what you say (saving it as a draft until it is published - even if the story goes live). "Save and send" will send it as soon as possible, which would be when the story goes live.

I will do some testing of this to confirm the above behavior... if it is not doing that I would agree it is a bug.

As a follow up to this question, regarding the "large image" display on Twitter cards, we require that you set up the Twitter username field in the URL properties -> Meta data properties before we add the Twitter card data to your site.

Once you fill out that field, you'll get meta data on your articles like this:

meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image" /
meta name="twitter:site" content="@pantagraph" /
meta name="twitter:image:alt" content="Bomb Cyclone Colorado" /

That summary_large_image is what determines the "large" display that is mentioned in Allie's original post.

So, as long as you add that username, the large image card will be default.

Here is the help doc that talks about this:

Thanks for adding that. I definitely agree with that for BLOX Comments, and possibly other less-popular commenting systems. 

And I do feel that having to post under your real Facebook profile will deter some users from posting bad things.

The problem is that it facilitates bad actors on Facebook to be able to post more easily, and that offsets the gain from requiring real names.

That's just my opinion though, it would be interesting to actually look at real data.

In addition - there seems to be a big reduction on troll versus real comments on Facebook in the last several months.

I was going over this with another publisher who was asking for the same thing, and I feel like in the end he just decided to put commenting behind the paywall as a "membership" bonus, but look at ways to better promote the existences of the comments on the page (without being able to read them).

We've actually done this as a customization in the (long ago) past, and there could be awkwardness in how this would look to the non-subscriber.

So, you go to the article, and as a non-subscriber, you can't actually READ the article itself. But, then you scroll down and you can then read the comments about the article which you haven't read.

In some cases (this is also popular on link boards like Reddit), one of the users will actually summarize the article so that non-subs can learn about it and don't have to subscribe or log in (or so they can just TL;DR it).

So, in effect that could then be a disincentive to subscribe, because now you can glean information about the story without needing to subscribe.

That being said, when I was discussing with this other publisher, we did come to the agreement that there needs to be better promotion of the comments when you're behind a subscription. Maybe there could be one comment there, and it says something like, "There are 24 more comments to read if you become a subscriber now!" or something.

Anyway, let me know your response to that idea, if you agree with the premise, and if not, what are your thoughts. And if so, what ideas you may have for promoting the comments better when they are behind the paywall.

We have a few contacts at Facebook, so I can see if we are able to at least get a little more information about what this means or making sure they understand that this basically means the plugin doesn't work on nearly half of all pages. Across our network, iOS is 41% and Mac is 4%.

That being said, we've seen a trend among our customers to actually move off of Facebook commenting in recent years. I think a few years ago we (we = media industry) thought that making users post with their Facebook identities (i.e. real names, usually) would cause them to be more civil. But, that certainly didn't happen. If anything, Facebook comments has almost made it easier for troll types to participate in article-page discussion. (I don't think this is a controversial opinion - I'm curious if anyone disagrees.)

And, since the Facebook comments plugin does take TIME to load on the page (and since it is on an external server there can be random latency issues) it does end up being a page speed "investment." (My philosophy is that anything you put on your site - especially third-party widgets - requires that you "spend" some of your valuable page load time on that widget. If it takes 2 seconds to load, even asynchronously, it increases your page abandonment, which costs you money via ad impressions and ad viewability scores).

(Sorry about the overuse of parenthesis in the two paragraphs above! (I need to work on that.))

So, what are the other options? We have built-in support for:



Livefyre - This is now part of Adobe Experience Manager, which is $$$

The World Table - My recommended third-party vendor. They have great engagement features and robust moderation tools. It also has a page you can set up that has all the most recent comments, so a user can just go into that area and reply to other comments, sort of like a forum. It is ad supported, but not as many ads as Disqus.

There is also BLOX Comments. We don't have as many features as other third-party systems - however, since it is not an external system, it has almost no additional weight page load.

As a side note, if you chose to implement your comments with a "load comments" button, it should not have any impact on your regular article page speed - though I assume you would lose some commenting engagement. So if you're using a third party, that could be a way to go.

Some sites recently have been implementing Viafoura. We don't have an official integration with it, but it can be done. I'm not familiar with the pricing or other details, but it looks like it has a lot of media customers.

Correct... images for content blocks are automatically "alt"ed.

Ads have an alt text that just says, "Advertisement" or something along those lines. We would have to create a new field for the alt text for BLOX Ad Manager assets, so that would require a bit of additional development. I would recommend looking at Google Ad Manager instead, which does have an alt text feature for image ads.

Any block type that is specifically image-related, such as Utility: Image or Utility: Site Logo (as Ian noted), has an alt text field for that image.