Your comments

I agree with Mike... We have similiar situation for baby calendar contests, pets etc.
Hey Mike,
I think this is set on block that displays the link using the custom title_opens_new_window option.

Asset Index: Lead Presentation has an example of that option.


(I would like to set it on the asset myself so I can run the link assets from AP into my regular content and get rid of my AP only block)
We are using PayPal Payflow Pro. They are verifying against BLOX using the transactions we get from PayPal. What I understand is they match and confirm then process it in our accounting system.

It is almost legacy tear-sheet style of checking but it is what they do to confirm money and where it came from in multiple systems.
Hi Patrick,
Is there another way to do the accounting side of these transactions besides analytics? Right now it is the only way that I know of to verify by date/transaction/amount that our accounting department demands of the personnel.  (Short of having them look at each and every subscriber individually... I am sure I would have my head on a pike if that were the case)
Hey Mike,
I never thought to use it for the contact us information. I'll have to write that one down for future use.

Hi Christine,
The only time I've attempted to use a macro program was when were are making major changes to our site. For example...

We may have had all of our outlying town sports stories go into only the sports section. After a few months/years we are now going to start covering one of those town in more depth. We create a new section that uses the same format as the other towns we cover and then run a search on the sports section and narrow the search down to only that town (through keywords/search terms).

By default I'll have to click select all, batch edit, set the section, remove the old section (we don't like double sections if we can avoid it) click the button and finally go to the next page of results and repeat.

Its not bad if you are only doing 3-4 pages worth of content... but 4-5 times I've actually done this with 80-100 pages of content.

I've used some firefox macros trying to duplicate the process but it didn't trigger the correct events so it wouldn't work.

Honestly I had thought about doing the same thing to make duplicate ads since it is a feature that I am constantly nagged about by advertising but when it wouldn't work in editorial I didn't even attempt it in advertising.

I know there are external programs out there that will actually interact with the mouse software and have it to do the same procedure over and over and over.... but I am not a fan of those as a lot have a virus attached.

I like it... that is what my reporters are wanting on the bottom of their articles.

Are you going to change the user pages in the new template design? I hate to say it... I've had to tune out the complaints from our reporters on how that looks. Or better yet... let us lay it out like a section???? Hint Hint Hint
I tried iOpus in firefox without any luck.... hated making changes to 1800 articles even with batch edit.
Hi Christine,
How can we tell if our site is already setup for a smart wrapper. This is something I may be interrested in for our news site.
Or the ability to put a bigger profile picture along with that contact information.