Your comments

I've had the same issue with MailTo:

What I ended up doing is just making an article for the advertiser under Assets and linked it to the Ad.  I basically made a landing page where I can put the HTML for MailTo and TEL:.  

It didn't take alot of work, and the advertiser was happy. 

I had no idea.  Thank you for letting me know, this totally makes sense.  

To further test to see if my form maybe was bad.  I downloaded a Fillible PDF Sample from a website, uploaded it, and when I download it, all the fields are gone.

Thank you, while there are some neat new settings.  This does not present a Remember Me option when you are logging in the preview site.  I am confident I was able to allow the preview site to remember me.  I just wanted to present this case unless it's a bug.  

Eva from TownNews did indicate to me that along with an AP will also need an "Importer" setup.  This should not be confused with "Jobs".

Further Reading:  How Do I Create an Importer To Automatically Pull in Syndicated Content?

I see, that makes sense that this method is used to keep track.  I'll make a ticket.  

I am working on getting my AP Webfeed credentials.  

Thank You.

Man, you guys always have the answers.  Thanks.  I would never have looked there. 

Thanks for touching base earlier.  I wanted to share an email I've received from a customer..since you guys did all the hard work.

  • "Just to let you know; I really like the new format of the E-edition online!"
    -Russell K.  

You're right, after I read your reply, I realized a while back I did remove the Blox top banner and created my own below the navigation bar.  I will look into cleaning it up.  Thank You.