Your comments

Excellent. Thanks for the feedback Rachel. I'm going to add a feature request to have the section tag selection be a drop-down instead of a text entry field after seeing how picky Apple is about that.

Rachel, it looks like your section doesn't have spaces around the &. I made a tweak to that on your site. Try seeing if it will validate now.

Thomas, when I was working at a newspaper group, we settled on setting up an account for each teacher, with a specific username format (school-teacher) and set the concurrent user limit on their account to 50-ish. We then created a specific subscription service that was good for 1 year. This worked out pretty well for those papers.

You can submit a ticket to our Customer Service folks and they can make this css change for you. Otherwise if you have template access, you can add some additional styling to your site.css file in your site component to override this styling.

Amanda, this does already exist. You'll need to enable the "remember me" feature for login. I'd recommend setting it to "disabled at users option" which means by default it will be on. Check out the docs here:

Ian, this sounds like a good idea to drive reader engagement. There are quite a few things that would need to change on the back-end to get a feature like this to work, but I'm in the process of looking over the entire commenting system to see how it can be improved and this feature just made it onto my list. Obviously this would impact only those using the TownNews comment system as we have no way of attaching information to a 3rd party system like FB. No promises it will make the final cut, nor how quickly we'll see any changes :)

Kevin, my bad. My excuse is this is week 3 here at TN as a Product Manager so I'm still learning. It's scheduled right now for release in 2.23 (no ETA on that, there is a bug holding it up right now). 2.23 still has the "old" menu style, but does include the asset start time reset feature.

This is in the latest version of TotalCMS. You'll just need to update and you'll have it. I'm sure it's going to be a huge time-saver and problem solver for many reporters.

You can also check out the following sites:

  3. (about 1/2 way down the page)

We are also in alpha testing upgrading the player to share the code base with the new video player and extend a bit with some new features.

Dakota, it looks like at some point someone on your staff added a css rule to move the top ad unit to the left and have text wrap around it. This then breaks on mobile view size. I updated your site component css.utl file to add a conditional size check and to only apply that float if the screen is larger than mobile. I hope this helps!