Your comments

We're not using metering, but that sounds like a good idea.

It looks like your image didn't post though Thomas.

"I will revisit with my team about the free alternatives as well, in case things have changed."

Any updates to share Christine?

You've probably already got this sorted by now, but for problems like this you'll get much faster support by opening a ticket at:

That is being injected by a bad advertisement. (e.g. through an advertising network you have setup to display ads on your site)

Sorry I could have been more clear.

Every section tag the newsroom is supposed to see is available for them in TCMS. This includes tags exactly like you are describing for sports and it's subsections. (Our newsroom doesn't even have login ability in Hosted CMS, TotalCMS is their whole world.)

I have other sections in Hosted CMS only that I use for organizing things like forms, contact pages, special sections, etc. that are only touched by the web staff. Having them show up in TCMS would just clutter things and lead to confusion in the newsroom.

You have to just created them in both admin interfaces, named exactly the same, separately.

My workflow is to create it in Hosted CMS first, then create it in TCMS. This way when the newsroom creates or updates assets in TCMS those tags already exist on the website.

Syncing is an interesting idea, but I wouldn't want it on here. I have a lot of section tags that exist on the website but don't exist in TCMS and I wouldn't want them to.

Bumping this question: 

Does Town News have a recommendation as to how many items to show "above" the infinity scroll? Is there an optimal number of things to pre-load based on your testing?