Your comments

We need the same for most of our photos which is why we use FTP upload into the system. It has has the benefit of being much faster.

Definitely an option, but one more site/service that has to be maintained. It be so nice if there was an integrated option from Town News.

Our photographers (and magazine creative director) are mostly using FTP or SMB to batch upload photos.

For times when I do batch upload photos in the browser I then use the Batch Edit functionality to apply the needed slug.

Bumping this because it is still a great idea.

I've got Ticket #706774: FR: Email Reach selectively to subscribers, non-subscribers or both open for this request with the following text:

So this was a request I first posted about almost four years ago but either I never made a formal feature request or I just can't find the old ticket.

We'd like the ability within Email Reach to have emails go to everyone on the list, just current active subscribers or just non-subscribers.

If the system could evaluate subscriber / non-subscriber status dynamically at send time it would prevent anyone from having to maintain a constantly changing list.

1. A few possible uses for this feature:

• Allow newspapers to run an exclusive "members only" email newsletter.
• Target certain ads (or subscription offers) to one group or the other.
• Tailor the articles displayed to help entice Day Pass sales, highlight the benefits of being a subscriber or thanking current subscribers.

2. Potentially on a daily basis.

3. Every reader of the site.



I'm not sure how many reporters here would use it, but I like the idea Ian.

This has come up again in discussions here at the newspaper as a feature we'd still like to have.

Thanks Christine, I appreciate the details on the process/thinking.

Our circulation department would like an easy to integrate store as well for these same types of items.

Glad to here there is some progress on this, thanks for sharing the plans Christine. I think I speak for everyone when I say it can't come soon enough.

I'm gonna post this again since I'm still curious to hear the thinking:

It would also make a lot of sense to me for Town News to pay for the API access and place their key on all sites, taking advantage of the volume discount from Google. Routing all loads through a single account would be cheaper (in aggregate) than having each newspaper pay for their own.

Did y'all just decide that re-billing hassle would be too much to simply handle this all (API keys, payments, etc.) on your side as a service for Town News customers?