Your comments

He was understanding but it made us realize we probably need to pay more attention to the issue then we had been.

We got our first complaint this week as well, from one of our biggest advertisers who was traveling to London!

Bumping this because I missed your original reply, but yes that would be great for us Christine. Hopefully Erica agrees or has some thoughts.

Bumping this as well because having to re-add the slug column in the search window every time I open it is crazy annoying.

Bumping this because it would save us so much time!

Bumping this one again because being able to see and work with more than 25 assets at a time would save us a ton of time.

Bumping because we'd still like to see this added.

I've always thought it was weird that Collection assets ignore the paywall settings for the sections they are in. I'd be curious to hear the explanation for why that is, I'm sure there is a technical reason behind the scenes.

I could see it being useful to have other assets types besides article respect URL paywall settings. I'm sure there is a technical issue to resolve around the following scenario though:

Article is in front of the wall. Child photos are behind the wall (based on section URL). In that case we need to make sure the photos are still viewable like the parent they are assigned to.

As we approach the next election date here this idea is even more appealing. I'd love to be able to schedule a block to go online at 5 PM and automatically turn off at 2 AM for instance.

Very interesting idea. I can't think of how we'd use it right now though, can you give some examples?