Your comments

I don't think there's a way to tell what asset the segment is linking to without opening the e-edition from the front-end or manually removing the segment then adding the segment back. I guess the segments are listed in the "Segments" tab but not once you open the full page (image-map view) to add segments. I think it would be nice to have the scissor icon next to cutouts and an asset icon next to assets in the image-map view. Right now it just has a chain-link looking icon so you know it's linked to something.
That's a good point. Do you use workflows with all of your stories? We have a workflow that doesn't give an asset a site tag until it is promoted to a certain workflow stage. So you could adopt that as a procedure. Only when you're ready for a story to go live do you promote it and it gets a site tag.
Awesome! If you do that you'll be a hero in our newsroom.
This is actually about the in-browser asset editor, not in InDesign. Would this auto-save work in the web browser asset editor?
I just have two different bookmarks in my bookmark bar. One says B for BLOX and the other says T for TCMS.
Has the promo pricing feature been released yet? I'm also very interested in the ability to add codes for users to input to allow them access to a hidden subscription. I'm taking a play from Disney World's book and thinking about offering bounce-backs. For those of you who haven't been to a Disney theme park(WHY!?) that's where you get a postcard in the mail directly after your trip enticing you to "bounce-back" within the next year for a discounted rate.

Applying this to our online subscription I'd like to send people whose subscriptions have lapsed an email with a discounted rate if they bounce-back.
I completely agree. There needs to be a job function to allow a formula such as (if section_tag="local" then change section_tag="local_news") or something like that. I know we had a feature with our previous CMS, Mediaspan(now NewsCycle) and it was very handy.

I don't think we'll ever see more than 25 assets on the search results page, and I understand and agree with that number as it's set to make the search fast. But a mass changing of assets should be doable through a job, I would think. But from what I understand you need UTL access to make jobs.
We've requested something similar but with the page tracker. So when an editor finishes a page it will notify pre-press that the page is ready.
That sounds like it would work. Am I correct in assuming you just remove the categories? And how do you make it not show up in the "power listing" block but still show all the extra content available to powered listings? Thanks!
I broke down and tested the purchase. It does charge taxes for same-state purchases while not charging taxes for non-residents.