Your comments

Hi Nick! Yes, that block should show image previews - I consider it a bug that the MAIN image shows up anywhere but on the story page (and maybe in a top story slideshow, not sure about that). I will add a bug ticket for this.

I can have your sales person contact you with more information on the pricing.

But yeah, I can see how you may not have enough transactions to warrant an upgrade from your circ vendor. If you don't get more than 1 or 2 transactions per week, why not just have the form say, "We will call to confirm your information and complete the transaction." Then you get their credit card over the phone.

If you get more than that, you can always embed the 3rd party form into a secure BLOX page with your header and footer - it will be secure and most users will be unable to tell it is a 3rd party service.

Just for clarification, I assume that $5,000 is mostly for a MediaSpan plugin? Because our integration certainly doesn't cost that much.

  1. If you remove the end date and leave the monthly impression limit, the ad will serve out the impressions as soon as possible (given weighting and rotation of other ads).
  2. If you remove the impression limit and leave the end date, it will serve the maximum number of impressions possible during that time (given weighting and rotation of other ads), and will end at that time regardless of impressions.
  3. If you have a DAILY impression limit, it also will not try to average the impressions over the month.

The combination of the two limitations (end date and impression limit) tells Ad Manager that you want to spread the impressions over that time as best you can.

So, I would remove the impression limit, keep the end date, and make sure it is the only add (or at least weighted really high in the rotation).

Hi Nick,

I'm checking with our programming staff to make sure I answer this correctly, but yeah, as a preliminary answer, if you remove the impression limit, it will serve as many impressions as it can (given rotation with other ads, weighting, or other limitations) until its end date.

Hi Craig!

Can you elaborate a little bit on what you mean? Are you talking about where it is hidden and it says "show more news" and it becomes un-hidden?

If so, we've moved away from that a bit. It used to be that we were more concerned about SPACE on the page, and trying to de-clutter things for the user. Now, we are more concerned about speed and download time.

And, since those articles that are hidden would download anyway, there is no speed advantage to having them hidden. It would be better to show the number of articles you like, and then have a "show more" link which took you to a search results page showing more content.

Is this the type of thing you're talking about? If not, please give me some examples on how you would like to use this and maybe I'll understand better. =) Thanks! =)

Hi guys!

We have a product called SMS List, which functions similarly to Email Reach but uses text alerts instead. You put a signup box on the front page and on user registration pages, and then you send out alerts.

A few caveats however:

1. Your list can use either a local number to send the texts, or a "short code" which can be purchased from the phone companies. Local numbers are inexpensive, but the phone companies limit them to sending 1 text per second. This means that if you have a list of 7,000 text alert subscribers, it will take you almost 2 hours to send a breaking news alert (which would not be acceptable for most breaking news situations). If you had 500 users, it would be more reasonable at 8 minutes.

If you get a short code, it is much more expensive to buy from the phone company, but your text rate goes up to 30 texts per second. supports both methods, and we also support sharing a single short code across multiple papers. So if you have a group of papers, the expense of a short code may be more reasonable.

2. We do not support scheduled alerts, so if you wanted to send out something like a Daily Headlines email, you'd have to do it manually each day. But, for most Breaking News for regular-sized lists, this would work great.

This product allows a text list to be tied to a specific business, so that the newspaper can send out alerts on behalf of that business as a service.

If you have any questions, you can ask your sales representative for more information. Thanks!