Your comments

Hi Nick!

Can you please put this in as a Customer Service ticket for this?

You shouldn't have to put in any URL properties, we fill that out for you on story pages.

If you look at the code on that page, you can see we are passing it the correct image as og_image:

And, using the Facebook debugger, it does recognize that it sees that image.

That being said, there could be another error or something that our CS and developers should look at, so a ticket would be ideal. :)

In the "main display" area, anything that does not have a specific position will compete for that slot. If there is only a video, it will win the main display. If there are photos and a video, the photos will win. However, if the photos have a specific position (such as showcase, or inline), they don't compete for the main area and then the video will show.

So here is an example on my test site:

That story has a YouTube video and two photos (and some other stuff but it doesn't compete for the "main display" area). I made one photo a mugshot, and the other one a showcase, and now there is nothing left to compete with the video for the main display area, and the video shows up in the main display.

Or I could have dragged the photos inline, and then the video would be left in the main display area. Or, like you said, you could position the video instead.

It's just that if there is no other positioning information, we choose the photo instead. So you need to apply positioning information in order to tell us the importance of the items.

Let me know if this helps!

Thanks Nick! Those are for Zen and Erica has a Flex site. Most of those custom properties were built before we has inline asset support.

On both platforms (Zen and Flex), we think inline assets are the best way to go. That is our recommended way to do "positioning" within an article.

I believe that if you have 1 video and 3 photos, for example, you can pull the photos inline and then the video will be used for the "main display" area. Again, that functionality is for Flex.


The profile information is only available on the user account, so if you wanted to have access to avatar, Facebook, Twitter, profile, tagline, etc., you'd need to use a user account for the reporter.

Hi Jackie!

This is a good discussion... we have actually had some behind-the-scenes discussions on this recently.

In this particular case, what is the difference between author and reporter? Is the "author" basically the "creator" or "producer" who took the reporter's story and added it to the CMS?

If so, I would recommend that producers add the reporter's user account as part of the process. We have to have user accounts in order to get the follow feature.

If you do this, you can still go into the revision history and see who saved the item (who created it originaly) and when. And you can even add a note to the revision history saying what you did.

What functionality would you be missing if you did it that way? Assuming I am right about the author vs the reporter in your use case. =)



It will be on Flex for sure, and will be first on Flex (we're already testing it). Not sure about Zen yet - it depends on the level of difficulty to add it.

We can set up forms to be sent in real-time (rather than in bulk). There is an email tab in the properties of the form that allows you to add an email address, and they will get emailed with each form.

If you need help with this, please contact our Customer Support team. =) Thanks!

Yes! We have already built the integration in fact. We haven't yet announced it because we'd like to have a customer go live with it to make sure it works properly and there are no issues. If anyone has a Facebook account that is approved for this, let me know, since it is still technically in beta on the Facebook side. =)



On Zen it is difficult to do because when we built Zen, we didn't really have a unifying CSS framework, so there are many different classes with different styles. So you have to get a list of all the classes to hit with CSS, and even then you'd probably miss some.

You should be able to hit the article page headline, or perhaps the titles or headline on the front page, which will give you a different look and feel, but it won't be the equivalent of changing the font everywhere.

On Flex we do have site styles which usually change your font. In addition, since we use Bootstrap, it is much easier to just change the Bootstrap defaults in order to make big changes on your site with very little code! =)