Your comments

In next week's update, we plan to start showing titles at the bottom of the article page (in the section area), when they are available.

Hi Erica!

We do have a few search options related to geo tags. We have a block query rule in the Block Editor, so you can build blocks based on geo tags.

Since you mentioned offset parameters though, I suspect you mean search parameters in the front-end search. The good news is, we have this too! The parameter is simply "g."

For example:

Will search for the geo tag united_states/iowa

Note that geo tags are hierarchical, and you need to include the whole hierarchy in the search. So in my example above, I have a tag called united_states, and then INSIDE that, another tag called iowa. So, in order to search for iowa geo tags, I also have to include the path for united_states.

Sure, we can look at this. We just want the flags to make sense on each asset where they exist - rather than just copying and pasting the whole lot on everything.

Are there any other flags you guy have been missing that make sense?

What you describe is pretty much what I would recommend - adding your own css link in the head include file.

It is possible to target specific sections based on section-specific classes that are included in the "main" container on the page (on Zen it is main-container, on Flex it is body). Like so:

.sports h1 {font-size: 53px;}

But that reference would be included on all pages.

If you want to include a SEPARATE style sheet, what you describe is good on Zen.

On Flex, we include our site-specific CSS on the page (rather than in a separate file) in order to reduce http requests. To add a section-specific CSS to the page, Mike explains it well in this thread:


When we first designed the BLOX Calendar app, we looked at existing events in our old system to see the start times and we did find a number that had non-quarterly starts. We would prefer to do quarter-hours (00, 15, 30, 45) but sometimes the Calendar is used for things like movie times, and those could start at 8:32 am, and so forth.

I will say though that, in the BLOX admin, you can very easily type in the time and it will work! It's really nice actually...

So try creating a new event, adding a daily schedulee, and then typing things that make sense into the various fields. Such as, for the date, just type:

Mar 1, 2016


And it will "translate" it for you to the correct date. You don't have to use the little calendar popup UI.

In addition, you can type into the time fields 4 pm or 4:35 pm and it will "translate" it to 04:35 PM for you - you don't have to use the drop down!

Let us know if this helps! Thanks! =)

Perfect answer! Thanks Mike! =D