Your comments

Hey Robert, would you mind giving me ready only access to your firebase? cmasters at townnews dot com. Generating a key should be the same in both places, as long as it is connected to your firebase project.

We'll still allow it on our "Social Links" blocks, and stuff like that (though I'll need to remove Google+) but I will go ahead and remove it from the user profile data.

As you know that's not available right now... I can ask if this is something we can look at though!

Some groups didn't have access when we very first rolled out the BLOX Notifier product, so that may have also been confusing (in addition to the name change, as Kevin said). But it should now be available!

With the BLOX Notifier product, you can schedule your posts to go out automatically, or you can still create messages from within the editorial asset in the Other > Notifier panel.

I assume you're talking about in the BLOX admin, not on the front end, right? There are some additional parameters on the front-end search such as nfl=breaking (not flagged breaking), and several others, listed here:

One other thought... if there is a search that is 'difficult' - meaning, perhaps maybe you can create a not search by selecting everything else but the thing you want to exclude, and then create a saved search for that. Obviously, this is tedious to do each time, but maybe having a saved search can help.

That being said, we do have a feature request on the roadmap to do something like an "advanced search" which would allow for more complex combined queries. I'll ask about a red "x" type thing in the interface.

We can definitely look at this. I appreciate the feedback.

A few things:

- Obviously we want to try to keep the general aesthetic with the "flat" icons and so forth, but that doesn't mean they can't be improved or tweaked.

- We did experiment with them being all different colors (red, green, blue, yellow, etc.) and it was super distracting (in my opinion) and much harder to "read."

- I do think a small percentage of the issue is also muscle memory... your brain isn't used to it yet so it stumbles on some things that normally you would be able to immediately grasp without effort.

All that being said, I think image and PDF is a good example of something we could look at tweaking in order to increase visual differentiation between them. I'll do some thinking and experimentation on this side, if anyone has more thoughts let me know!

Great ideas, especially the author one, I should have thought of that because I use that as an example all of the time (a Sports columnist can set up an automated trigger that posts all of his blogs to his personal Twitter account and Facebook page).

The date/time in the manual Notifier control is when the "push" goes out. By default, it is set to be the start date/time of the asset, yes. But you can push it into the future.

Hi guys!

We have a beta version of the story infinity scroll... Would either of you like to evaluate and see if the first minimal version will work for you? 

Because of the JavaScript complexity as I had mentioned before, the implementation is very structured... essentially the "right rail" is just ads and a story navigation indicator. It looks nice and it would be awesome to test it and see what the data says.

Anyway, send me an email if you want to talk more (or anyone who reads this).