Your comments

I tried it on my test site and

skipped_flags -> ap

Seems to work. Did you do the "ap" in all-caps? It looks like it needs to be lower case.

If that still doesn't work, let me know the URL of the block and I'll have a look. =)
Hi Jennifer!

We have a great doc on this here:

You'll need to get your login information from AP. But, other than that, it is very easy! =)
Let me find out some more information about this. I don't think we can do "word" truncate, only "character" truncate, but I will ask to be sure.

Also, that block allows you to set the character lenght, so it could be higher... (maybe two hundred or three hundred?)... but it would still truncate in the middle of words. custom property = long_description_truncate

Lastly, that block it set up to show ellipses after the truncation (which makes it a lot more clear to users that it was intentionally cut), but I'm not sure why in your case it isn't showing. I will have someone look at this.

Hi Craig!

I would actually recommend the Syndication tool. It's free and should be available under Editorial.

Using the Syndication tool, you can set up a channel to YouTube - based off of a user account or a keyword.

Then, you can either just pick and choose from the Syndication channel the items you want (it is really nicely integrated with Editorial).

Or you can create an importer to feed all of the items in automatically as YouTube assets. You can assign them a keyword, flag, section, delete date, etc.

Hi Greg!

This used to be a requirement of the AP, but it looks like it isn't anymore. So I will see if we can change that.

Though, we also have a "Wire" flag you could use, that doesn't overwrite the byline, and may make more sense on a non-AP story. Assuming that's something you could change... 
Hi Alex!

We only allow one answer at this time. You could use Surveymonkey or PollDaddy and possibly embed the poll as an HTML asset in BLOX, however.

