Your comments

Hi Patrick!

We have this! If a user is submitting an event, they will see this on the submission tool. 

If they click "Find location" it will actually search the business directory (featured listings showing first):

When they select a business, they can change the information (like, instead of saying "The Hilton" it can say "The Red Room at The Hilton"). But, it would then link to the business as the related venue of the event.

The business information and link to profile page would be maintained from the event page, and a link to the event would also be created on the business page.
Hey guys,

The property is called "redirect" and you can set it on the asset in the custom properties tab. The name is "redirect" and the value is the URL.

However! We just found this is broken right now and will be fixed in our next template push, on the 19th. If it is an emergency, please contact us. =)
Would the purpose be to show your front end users how many page views an article has? Or, a count that would be visible only to admins when viewing the front end?
Could you guys provide some more specific instances of use cases and tasks that are repetitive?

The photo upload is one thing, but Craig mentioned "Apply User Defaults" which would not be used for photos - what would that do?

Right now, we have several options under the user's preferences in BLOX:

- Default start time (If you're always posting obits that can't go live until 6 am, you can change your startime for that and it will be a default whenever you create a new section).

- Default asset workflow (If you're using the workflow system, perhaps you want all of your content to start in "Second Read" status because you're a copyeditor)

- Default asset author (Whenever you create an asset, you'll become the asset's author, and all of your information - such as tagline, user account, bio, byline - will be automatically filled in).

Perhaps we could add more defaults? Such as "default section" - so every story I create is automatically added into the "sports/local/football" section.

What else would be part of a User Default?
We are currently working on a new template design, and included in that will be an option to do a "bio" at the bottom of stories for authors. Within the user account for the author, we already have a field for their Twitter account, email, etc. and we could just use those fields to populate a bio box.

We could do a small one at the top, and a bigger one at the bottom. Similar to this:

If we did something that way, it would make it easy for you, right? You wouldn't even have to set up the HTML, you just make sure the fields were filled in...

Thoughts? =)
I'm now thinking it could be called a "notice" asset... to provide notice on various topics, including things like:

- Late starts
- Snow emergency
- Parking changes due to snow or construction
- Business closings
- School early dismissal
- Early dismissal canceled due to previous snow day
- Road closing
- Construction delays
- Business closing
- Coach cancels practice
- Sport game canceled

Also, a customer today informed me that they are able to get notifications via state feeds. I'm trying to find out if those are available in other states... anyone find anything like that in their area?
Hi Sage!

Yes, "change" (or whatever we would call it) would be a new asset type.

I'm starting to think it would be a new application too... I sort of liked it being in Calendar at first since it was an event-related thing, but now I'm thinking it would be confusing.

Are you guys aware of the type of system available in your area? Is there someplace that can provide a feed?

For my child's school, they have an e-mail alert system. Perhaps we could create a BLOX tool that allowed an e-mail to trigger an asset that is attached to a business. Then, you could subscribe that e-mail to the e-mail alert system, and get automatic updates from the school. (We have an e-mail asset system already, but would need to develop something to allow a specific address to tie to a business...)