Your comments

Hi Micah!

We have a special "smart wrapper" surrounding our HTML that contains an algorithm which outputs classes based on section, depth, url, theme, asset type, and more. This makes it easy to target CSS to any of those special situations.

So, you should be able to just overwrite the CSS for the .sports section with the new logo.

If the header requires more than just a CSS change - like, you have to move around other elements in the header - it may require a special header file. This can be done with some conditional UTL code that switches out the header based on the current URL.

Either way, our Customer Support staff can help get this set up for you. Please contact our customer support team at 800-293-9576, or by submitting a request via our ticketing system.

And, by the way, nice logo!


Hey Jason!

I actually like the idea of a mobile headline; why do you consider that to be flawed?

A few good things about it.

1. We can preserve the print headline, the online headline and the mobile headline. If you need to search for one or another (say, in the admin), all of the information is there. We could theoretically use them all in the meta data of the story, adding valuable information to the page rather than subtracting it (relating to Patrick's statement about SEO).

2. They would not be required - we would use the print headline for the online, and the online for the mobile, if something was missing. So they could all be the same, or all be different.

3. A mobile headline could be used by many customers optionally.


Hey Jason,

One idea... it sounds like, at least in your example, you could benefit from teaching staff to use the various supported headline types in combination to create the effect.

For example:

Headline: Harmon's scheming, UMHB defenders' tenacity stifles Whitewater
Subhead: Whitewater scores 21 points under its average

Kicker, Hammer and Subhead are available under the "other" tab.
Hi Jen,

To scroll around on the page when you're zoomed in, you just click and drag the image. It gives you a little hand icon, which is meant to indicate that you can grab and drag.
Hey Mike...

Those are good points! We're actually working on some ideas to make applying URL configurations easier in subscription... so I think that will help, because you'll be able to more easily apply, un-apply and re-apply configs. I think this is a few versions out so I can't give a time frame right now, but we have some things planned. =)

Hi Mike,

It looks like we have to change/add some code for this... we're looking at it to make sure it doesn't have any unknown side effects. I'll let you know...
Hi Terry,

Where is this happening? In the admin or on the frontend? And, in which application? Thanks!