Your comments

Hi Jason!

Hmm... not sure. I would want it to be as automated as possible, but at the same time, I wouldn't want a business being able to trigger it themselves through their post. They could do it accidentally... or too often, etc. Would need to think about this more...
Just FYI, I put in a feature request for this to software. Right now it is ordered by who has the most listings.
I'll go ahead and file this as an idea then. =)
Hey Jason,

I'll try to find out, I think actually that will be a feature request.
Hey Mike,

HTML ads shouldn't touch any code. Can you show me some examples? Did you submit a support ticket? 
I'm not sure if we should add this to a collection asset specifically in the template side, because we have to load all of the child assets of the collection, and at a certain point it will run out of memory.

I'm wondering if perhaps you might consider a search results page? You could batch add a unique keyword (#prep92913 or whatever) to all of the items in the "collection" and then search for that keyword. If you use the "k" parameter for keyword, it will return only items with that specific keyword. The "q" parameter will return items where the word was mentioned somewhere, so items without that keyword may be included. This will paginate automatically and will support unlimited assets.

Also, the search results page supports different layouts for images. You can target specific asset types with a "t" parameter in the search.

This is also a cool way to create "never-ending" photo galleries!

You can also take the search results URL and use it to create a link asset. That link asset can then be given a preview, added to blocks, associated with stories, etc.
Hi Jason,

It is already an existing feature to target ads to assets with specific keywords. They keywords are added to the page in a meta keywords tag. Then, when you add a keyword to an ad in Ad Manager, it will only show that ad to pages with the meta keywords tag.

We're thinking that we should add the make/model of autos to each of the vehicle asset pages, then you could use the Ad Manager keyword functionality to do what you want! =)

You could do it now if you added the make/model as keywords manually, but for an autos site this is a lot to ask, obviously. And, it is very easy for us to add make/model as keywords in templates by default.

Also, as a side note, we already add a search query parameter to search result pages by default in the editorial application (but we need to add it to Classifieds and other apps).

How does this sound?
