Your comments

Thanks Nick! Another idea - using archive time. Archive time doesn't really do anything unless you set up a block that recognizes it. If you want the stories to have custom times when they are removed (i.e one story is 2 hours, one is 7 days, one is 10 days), this is a good option.

But, since you said you wanted rolling 7 days, Nick's got the answer.

Thanks Maureen for your help as always!

Yes, Utility Regions are one idea, as well as looking at masthead regions.

There are also probably custom optional points where code can be inserted... then in the code we can say if the page is "root" (or, the homepage, essentially), then put this code there. If you're interested in that, please contact our Customer Support (if you haven't already),

Hi Graham!

It is very easy to implement this kind of technology into BLOX CMS. We've had several partners do this sort of thing.

I would ask for the implementation documentation from the vendor you want to use, and then provide it to our Customer Support team. Usually this will just require a small JavaScript tag added to the head and / or somewhere in the story. Using custom optional points and in-story Utility Regions, this can usually be done with no (or very little) custom coding.

Hello W!

In general, as a company, has moved toward using APIs in order to help integrate with third party systems, platforms and use cases. We have many existing web services, which we are always expanding. Search for "web services" on our help site to see all the different apps that have support, and what they can do. (We recently just announced, for example, full CRUD (Create Replace Update Delete) support for our editorial system.

Calendar web services support, however, is on our roadmap and we would definitely like to do this in the future. I'll let Phil, our Product Manager for Calendar, expand on this if he has more detail.

I did want to mention one thing as a possible temporary solution... I'm not sure what program you're using for print, but we do have a custom export building system. Using this, you can create custom templates that can have specialized markup in them - such as XML, HTML, style sheets, or Xtags - and then export that instead of a CSV. 

Assuming your print system has some way of marking up text files in this way, it could save a lot of time.

If you want more information, you can submit a Customer Support ticket and we can provide a few examples.

A few additional things:

- There is some good information about which specific metadata is supported here:

- There is a toggle (Editorial -> Assets -> Settings) to turn off IPTC import, if for some reason a site doesn't want it. I did check your site Paul and you do not have this turned off, so as Patrick said, the data should be available on the hi-res version. Hi-res, if available, is listed under the "other" tab of the photo asset, where it can be downloaded (with metadata!) from there.

I would look at a way to use one block, and then random sorting. Maybe it is something where a custom block can be built that looks like a combination of the two blocks?

Can you give me a use case here, Beth? Is it because they are an opinion columnist and they often write in personality mode?

We do have the user profile, which is similar to Maureen's:

Maureen has a few additional ad spots, which we may be able to add to the user profile if there aren't spots already.

As far as a "directory" type thing, we have been asked this before and it is on our backlog, but it is currently a ways off. Basically, users are not assets at this point in time, so they can't be added to a block. With this request I'm discussing, we could make users into assets which could be queried by blocks, searched, or attached to articles.

You could also have "person" assets for local politicians, sports heros or murderers. Each time you would associate them to an article, they would get a little "card" on the article with their mugshot, basic info and a link to their profile page. The profile page would then look similarly to the one I linked above, with a bit of data on the person, and a list of stories below the person which they were attached to.