Your comments

Nick, assuming this is a non-Flash JS pagecurl from Ad Manager, can you submit a CS ticket for this? They can look to see if there is something different with your site, or if it is a bug, or if it has to be that way because of Flash, etc.

Hey Graham! Thanks for bumping this, I think I missed it before.

Can you give me more info about what the reverse option would provide? Are you doing like Top Ten lists or listicle type things? Can you provide a few examples?

Hi Sam!

Firstly... is this using Ad Manager? If so, yes this would need to be either an HTML or an HTML 5 ad. 

With an HTML ad, you would have to host the image file somewhere else, and just upload the HTML to Ad Manager. Multiple clickTags can be added by as mentioned in the ad editing screen.

With an HTML 5 ad, which may work better, you could upload the image, the CSS, and everything else as part of the ad. You can use a program such as Google Web Designer to create the ad (if you need help with the creation) and then export the zip file and upload it to Ad Manager. Currently, HTML 5 ads only support one clickTag.

Hey Kyle... I'm not sure what you mean. Can you show an example or screenshot?

Have you seen that they are allowing publishers to change links if they apply for "ownership" of their domain? 

That is something to consider. I would feel better if I thought they were going to do something with it soon... but the fact that people have been complaining about it for years makes me feel like they are not fixing this for a strategic reason. Maybe they want to push people toward VR apps in the new iOS?

Quick follow up since you mentioned Pannellum... we are expecting to have 360 panorama photos. That is being developed and seems like it will work. Video with gyroscope functionality (which is what I would call VR) is the issue.

We are just making it so that any panorama photo, when viewed on a mobile device, will use the phone's gyroscope to move around within the photo.

Hi Robert!

It's funny that you just posted this. We actually added this capability in our development environment and have been testing it, but decided to remove it (just last week!) due to lack of support on Safari.

Essentially, for security, speed, caching and other optimizations, our videos must run through our CDN environment. Unfortunately, Safari has a bug where it won't allow VR to be played via a different website (such as a CDN) from the player code.

The bug, from 2014, is listed here: 

Some platforms have been able to get around this bug by using workarounds, but they do not seem to be viable in our environment.

As Director of Product, I wasn't willing to put this feature out there when it wouldn't work on 60% of mobile phones (which is our current iPhone/Safari usage overall).

I will keep watching for updates, however. I did download the latest version of iOS 11 and tried our VR demo page. Previously, when you viewed the demo in Safari it was just a black screen! In iOS 11 now it plays the video, but it is warped for VR, but not actually VRed (if that makes sense). It looked weird and fish-eyed, and didn't move in a 360-degree circle. So, I still don't think it is production-ready, but we have the code ready for whenever it is, and we'll keep watching it.

If anyone sees any updates or threads about this, or has any other suggestions or ideas, please let me know! =)

Hi guys!

I'm working on a proposal that will include the ability to control social features on assets.

Facebook is also restricting the ability to customize the metadata during the posting process, so this capability may become more important.

So, what are the items that you would need to be able to customize for social postings?

Social preview image: Ability to change og:image (which is the request Henry made in this post).

Social title: By default it is the headline, but can be overwritten here.

Social description: By default it is the summary, but can be overwritten.

Social video: With an option to autoplay... allows you to upload a teaser video that will be eligible to autoplay.

All of these items would not show up anywhere else on the article page. They would default to story content if not filled out.

Any other thoughts? =)

Hey Kyle! Sorry I had missed this post before. Can you provide a little more detail here?

If you're talking about the carousel functionality, can you describe more what that would look like on the Showcase block? Like, would the whole block be in a carousel, or just the photos? Also, note that there is a Slideshow: Carousel block that has the swiping functionality.