Your comments

Hi Nick!

I was able to reproduce this on my test site, and I updated your ticket with the information and volunteered to walk through it for the dev so he can see what's happening. I assume it is a bug with the photo count for the URL, so we'll put in a bug ticket for that. Thanks!

Hi Elizabeth!

Our first beta tester was just approved via Facebook. It took several passes, each time we had to update and add code to pass Facebook's review process.

Now that it is complete, we are integrating the code next week. It will then go into our next open release and should be out before the end of the month. There may be additional problems or unknown delays of course, but the first version should be available this month.

Google AMP is also in our QA process and should be released soon as well, barring any unknown issues. =)



I'm not sure if there is a way to do this in Facebook (usually the first person to share the page can choose the main image, but I'm not sure how long that will stay that way for subsequent shares).

We have a feature we're working on where you can upload a different image to be used for the preview, and it would be used for the Facebook og_image as well. So, that may help when that's available.

For now, I would say that lots of papers just make a combined image with the various candidates all represented, and then that single image would be used as the main image on the story (and thus also the og_image).

Hi Kevin!

Your file was customized and hadn't been updated. So our developer updated that bit of code on your site. Let me know if it looks better now.



I don't personally know the service being used, but yes, each site has a cert for its own domain name now. :)

Also, as far as Facebook moderation, here is more information:

You have to be logged in as the admin or moderator associated to that Facebook ID.

You may want to check out our new implementation of this. We were able to do it in one async request, so it works nicely.

On the Flex platform, we actually do the Facebook comment by default (if you're using Facebook comments) now. At first we had performance issues with it, but a few months ago we figured out a way to do it asynchronously, so it is now the default.

Rebecca, it looks like your blocks have the "comment count" setting set to false. So, if you turn that on it may actually just work out of the box. If not, submit a Customer Support ticket and we can look at it, because it is supposed to work.