Your comments

We are working on more developer-specific documentation, but it will generally be along the lines of what Maureen posted - documentation of injection points, CSS overrides, etc.

Most of our sites are working hard to stay "on the upgrade path" and do not want to make deep code changes. Using our specific macros in other code may cause unanticipated changes in the future (if we were to change the macro, for example).

However, specific modules from the templates are available in the help button in the template editor, available in the upper right hand corner.

Hi Lisa!

I was able to figure out your site based on your email address, so it looks like you are indeed using Ad Manager.

If so, yes, we can target banner ads by geo-location in Ad Manager. Here are the docs:

Look for the part titled "Geo Targeting."

I will say that we are using IP address lookup to figure out the geo location, and on desktops this is a bit wonky since your ISP may report that you're in, for example, Virginia, because that's where your ISP is. (But you're in New York.)

On mobile, which is a majority of traffic on most sites, the geo-location information is much better and we use this information for ad targeting.

One more thing, I should take a moment to mention our ad targeting program for DFP, iQ. This program, in combination with the Google DFP software, can provide a much finer-grained targeting of users based on a variety of data (such as subscription information). If you have any questions, please ask your sales representative! :)

Hi there! What ad platform are you using? BLOX Ad Manager?

Hey Erica!

We've actually been working on this internally at for a few years. I believe we have everything ready (in terms of front-end built-in code) on our side for a test of this, but most sites have third-party vendors or ad networks who are not yet ready.

If this is something you're interested in, and want to try it out, I can send you a separate email and we can discuss.



BLOX currently forces whatever you type in to be lowercase, so right now everything is lower. We need the keywords to be lowercase for data integrity issues (so that they all search the same).

It used to be that we didn't touch these at all and left them lower case, but we got a lot of complaints, so we started adding a "title case" to them.

However, we have a feature in the system that would keep a "front-facing" version of the keyword (essentially, whatever you type in), and a "search optimized" version which would be in the search index for searching purposes. This will allow you to display things the way they type, but all have them searched the same.

Until that happens, however, Nick's suggestion would work and would not take you off the upgrade path (since it is just CSS). I will update the ticket in the system with this information so our support staff can help.

That'd be great!

Just a caveat for all of you to remember: All regions must be present at all times. They can move around in different breakpoints, but we want them present at all times by default.

Regions are server side and can't be removed or added based on client side information. So, we can't have a region only show up when in tablet mode, for example. We would have to download it then hide it with CSS, which (although technically possible) is inefficient and we would not want to encourage that sort of thing in a default grid.

Sure that would be great! Grids are actually not that hard for us to add, so we can add more if there is need. (It's just hard to QA, mostly!) Someone last week asked for a grid that has a middle column that sorts to the top on mobile (instead of the left column), for example.

All that being said, I can put in a feature request for new regions or entire new grids if you have really specific requests.

As a quick example, I set up my test site with the pattern grid:

You can see how the top rail ad gets placed just below the top news on mobile - so it is integrated into the content rather than just at the bottom.

There are other options from which to choose. Have you looked at the pattern grid? You can use it with or without the right rail. And (depending on where you put the ads) the "right rail" becomes more integrated in mobile view.

Also remember that you don't have to use all regions... so you can skip several rows of regions in order to get down to the types of columns you desire. Then, I would look at mobile first, and figure how you want the site to look on mobile, then expand out to desktop.