Your comments

Christine, just an update. Rich and Spiro were great to work with on the feed issues. I believe we have them resolved. There was some concern that using the end.txt method could cause issues because we feed continuously but we built in a delay and things seem to be working fine.

Also there we some issues with the merged pdf but we pushed back its availability which helped and your staff came through with changes to your backend process so if an incomplete e-edition slips through the merged pdf will get updated when the e-edition does.
Bumping this because I've been there... We were using custom forms (perform? proform? whatever was supported in newsys)  because our pricing structure was too complicated for the blox forms. Then we simplified the structure so I switched to blox forms. Then they wanted promo codes so we switched back and I custom coded some spaghetti that handled the promo codes. Then it was decided we didn't want either, we were going to use circpro's webtools. Hey! Whatever happened to the integration project with Mediaspan's Circpro... Last I heard it was being tested and I signed up to be a guinea pig. 
of course they neglected to edit the list. 
Trust me I read it. Last year the pastor at one of the local churches called to complain that his post was being blocked because it was "profane" ... I did some finagling then and got his post in the system. Then I fired off an e-mail to the management team with a "here's a list of words our profanity filter blocks" ... Priceless. 
My life the last couple of days can be summed up by Geoge Carlin's 7 dirty words routine.
Ahead of you... Set it to two... Did not want to set it too high because I also disabled the profanity filter a few days ago. It was way to inclusive and was blocking almost every comment on the Fairness ordinance protecting individuals with alternative lifestyles.

It sounds like Maunette is using priorities like we are (sort assets by day then priority then time) so there's really no way to promote a given story outside of its date without updating it ...  Unless you have an unused field like geolocations? where you could create a geolocation called Bumped and then sort your assets by geolocation then date, priority, time. It would work a lot like a pinned asset until you unBumped it,

I was thinking the same thing as Christine... Then I had a thought (It could be dangerous) ... So in the example below you would have a usage tab and be able to see where the asset is currently displayed and have the ability to select a url and then a block on the url (ajax baby!) and pin the asset. (maybe show stats like views and comment count above the displayed on.

so far the hiccup i spoke of seems limited to 1 specific device (mine) ... I have reset my settings etc and still have an issue. Other phones running the same version of android and using the same browser do not seem to have the same issue. I have reset my browser settings to no avail. Note the page is displayed properly when the phone is held in landscape orientation. It is also displayed properly in other browsers on the same device... I believe my phone is haunted.

I wanted to update this with our current experience. As of today we went live using your new "Live E-Edition" at the largest paper in our group. 

1. We are feeding pages (mostly successfully) and the pages are being identified and and eeditions created / modified appropriately. Your staff has been great resolving most of our issues so far. Out biggest remaining issue regarding the feed is the timing of processing on your end. We would like pages to be processed as they are fed. Instead your processing looks at our feed directory as a whole and waits for a break in the feed to start processing files. As a result if we are sending pages up every 5 minutes or so then a page sent and hour or two ago may not get processed until there is a break. We would prefer a process that looks at each file instead of the directory when determining what files to process and when to begin. The result is we have people staffed to segment pages and pages are not there for them to segment 

2. Your merged pdf is working as advertised. Users can download a single page or the entire e-edition. We have already received a complaint about why are pdf's no longer available by section, so if this capability gets added we would be interested. 

3. There's a page rendering hiccup on 1 specific bowser in 1 view mode only when you are in portrait orientation... it wasn't there yesterday.

4. Overall I would consider the transition successful (pending looking at this month's townnews bill) as the workflow has been fairly smooth and the results are very good except for the hiccup above.