Your comments

Jason, Your experience is exactly the same as mine... I showed accounting the transaction manager and they were like "cool" a week later it was "hey we're missing these transactions" and it was "Oh those aren't in here because they're in here..." They were verifying every transaction in payflow pro against what was in blox.

It would be nice if you could consolidate all of them in one location maybe with different transaction types so you could filter them if needed. Though this isn't as big an issue with us any more because we're bypassing a lot of townnews' subscription processing and redirecting it to the web interface of our circulation system
Thanks man, that worked like a charm.

I had seen the title_opens_new_window in the docs but didn't even try it because of the documentation. Apparently the following documentation is incorrect. 


Setting this property to 'true' will open the link in a new window. Default is 'false'.
This property only affects the title of the block - it does not affect links generated in other parts of the block."

I agree the best solution would be to allow you to set it on an asset with an "override" available on the block if you wanted all the links open in the current or new window. 
We actually redid our "contact us" page as a section and made each employee an asset... Ongoing formatting was easier than the static html (the staff that keeps the employee list could maintain this with very minimal training). Plus it allowed commenting as a means of communication with that person. 

One of the things that's been on my "when I have extra time on my hands but they're still paying the consulting bill" list would be to modify the template for my "people" assets so it would display a list of most recent articles on each reporters pages and most recent photo's on the photographers pages. I could see where having an actual "person" asset type might make this easier. 
An example of an ad in question:
<!-- Javascript -->
<SCRIPT language='JavaScript1.1' SRC=";sz=300x250;ord=[timestamp]?">
<A HREF=";sz=300x250;ord=[timestamp]?">
<IMG SRC=";sz=300x250;ord=[timestamp]?" BORDER=0 WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=250 ALT="Advertisement"></A>
When I first read Lonnie's suggestion for some reason my mind pictured a count on the editorial assets search results (in the cms) not on the front end. I don't think there is anything wrong with a hit counter on the front end even if it is a little old school. I wouldn't necessarily want it but it would be cool as an option "Make hit counts visible: All users? Admins Only?"
Would love to be able to set a custom property on a block so all links in it open in a new tab/window. Less preferable would be "open link in new tab/window" option on the asset itself.
Update: This question arose because I'm testing out the new syndication features and when I imported the rss feed it created all these nice shiny link assets. I like that they are link assets as it provides a quick and easy way to segregate them from most of my other content. And I was impressed that it pulled over images and created previews. 

There we a couple of things that rained on my parade 
1. the links open in the current tab/window. I would love to be able to set a custom property on the block or on the assets and have them open in another tab.
2. the previews created do not follow the "generated preview rules" and links are not an asset type you can select for these rules so the image size was much to large for my block. 
Wish list for columns and sorting
1. Sort by section (I know this presents all kinds of issues because there can be more than one section, do you only show the first one or do you list the same asset multiple times - once for each section)
2. Remember my columns (Almost everytime I pull up the banner ads the first thing I do is show the column for size it would be nice if I could set it and forget it.)

PS If you didn't know it already you can go the the columns and when you point to a column name a dropdown arrow will appear, click it and you should be able to see the columns available for display.
Our calendar doesn't get a lot of use so I'm reluctant to see this be setup as a calendar event. I like the notice asset type better. I'm forwarding a link to this conversation on to the staff to see if they have any input.
yes... I've dealt with the project manager and with support and their response was ... it must be the ads don't use them.... needless to say the publisher and ad managers aren't exactly pleased.

We're talking doubleclick and adsense ads and we've asked that they be looked at and been told the ads themselves were fine and we are inclined to believe them because in some cases they are the same ads that were running fine in newssys before migration. In other cases they may run fine in one position but when they run in another position they display too far to the right and throw off the positioning of surrounding elements or overlap items below them

My personal suspicion is the templates are a little wonky because of changes we requested which were implemented and appeared fine until the html ads were added.

The pics are from and the ads are still in the cms (though they should be disabled) the nissan ads consistently caused trouble but several of the other ads caused similar issues and on several I tweaked them by wrapping in a div and adding / subtracting margins...