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Under review

Anyone else getting spam redirects on mobile devices?

Nick 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by W. Rags. 6 years ago 19

We've had several people call about spam redirects on our website in the past couple of weeks. And we've already had three in the past hour. I submitted a ticket to TownNews and they said it isn't coming from our website. They said it comes from insecure websites and apps.

I think it's coming from Outbrain. When I load a story page with Outbrain enabled the page doesn't load securely on my phone and I get redirects. I disabled Outbrain and the pages then load securely. I also stopped getting the spam redirects.

So I decided to turn Outbrain back on. The page stopped loading securely and I started getting the redirects. Turned it off again, no redirects.

If this isn't originating from our website why does disabling Outbrain stop the redirects? And if this isn't originating from our website why do we have a noticeable influx of complaints?


Twitter Timeline Ads Program

Kevin M. Cox 6 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

We got an invite to this new program, anyone else currently participating or have thoughts to share?



A new view option for our uploaded publications.

randy 6 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 6 years ago 1

We need the ability for optimal, simple navigation of our archived pdf publication by being able to

1: view either one or both pages full-screen without cutting the pages off. They need to fit the screen, and

2: then the ability to zoom in or out as one pleases.

3: This ability exists within an Adobe pdf, of which our publications can be downloaded, but some of our readers are not interested in downloading instructions or aren't fluent at downloading files so we need them to be able to easily read the publication online as if they were in an Adobe pdf, so that it takes as little thought as possible.

4: Also, to retain the option to view in the current format. The current format which doesn't allow zooming is still a good format, it just lacks the option to zoom in or out, or to view the spreads on screen.

5: The default format should be the one we are requesting, the "Adobe Reader pdf" format with spread viewing and zooming capability.


Option for a native PDF reader?

Robert Armstrong 6 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 6 years ago 2

How PDF documents are displayed is a bit underwhelming.

Are there any plans to have a PDF reader added to BLOX so that we can display a PDF in the browser, rather than making the user download it just to view?

Adding in something native in like https://pdfobject.com/ would be simple, but I would love something more robust like https://issuu.com/ or https://www.scribd.com


Templates and GIT

Alex Golovin 11 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by David Dierker 6 years ago 3

It would be great to use GIT version control system to be able to get updates from TownNews base skins to be able to keep our modified (or branded) skins up to date. This would be easier to maintain up to date and helpful with trouble-shooting as tools such as diff could be used to see what has been changed.

Pulling updates, merging and pushing to git repositories or remote points, that would be then used by blox as source for the templates/skins would be amazing!


Modify Public-facing "Create an Event" form for multiple but non-recurring events

mcgregora 6 years ago 0

Quite often the "Create an Event" tool that is hosted on our website for

the public to enter events into our calendar labels events as Spam.

This occurs especially when someone is trying to create an event that

occurs multiple times but doesn't exactly meet recurring event criteria -

like a theater show that is performed three days in a row, but at different

times of day; or a presentation that happens 2 times in one day.

Because they can't use the recurring events function they attempt to

create a separate event for each date and time, typically the first one

they enter works but the subsequent events are rejected as Spam.

As a result, we fairly regularly receive emails or calls from people who

are getting tripped up by this. The solution we are trying now is to

simply turn the Spam filter off. Time will tell if this solution is

worse than the problem.

My idea is to modify the public-facing "Create an Event" form.

The form currently has an "Occurs" selection field - with options for

Once, Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly - to handle the recurring

events. When the recurring choices are selected the form adapts and

presents more fields to define the recurrence in the When section.

Could there be an occurs "Multiple" option that would then present

additional Date and Time fields? When "Multiple" is selected a secondary

selector field could appear asking "# of Additional Times" with options

for, say, 1-10. With that selection the form would then present the

extra Date and Time fields, for instance labeled Date #2, Time #2; Date

#3, Time #3; Date #4, Time #4; etc.


Feature request: Add credit card swipe option to subscription portal

Allison Richmond 6 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

We would like to sign up new subscribers at events and festivals, etc. We have Paypal portable credit card swipers similar to Square and would like a way to connect this to the Blox subscription portal.


Expanding calendar email notification link

Rachel Minske 6 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 6 years ago 2


We would like to expand the 48 hour window for email links for user-submitted calendar events. Currently, our calendar admin receives an email notification to approve or deny an event (something that we'd like to maintain control of, as we get a lot of submissions that don't fit for the calendar). The link expires after 48 hours and our calendar admin must make a point to approve events over the weekend or on holidays. We would like to expand that 48-hour window, to 120 hours, or 5 days. We would prefer expanding the 48-hour window time instead of having our calendar admin login to CMS to approve events as we feel it will simply help streamline the process and provide faster updates for our audiences. 


Creating an iCal Feed for our website's calendar

AnnnahRenee 6 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 6 years ago 1


Our staff is currently working on developing an app for our website. However, our app developers would like us to provide an iCal feed for the website's calendar feature, instead of an RSS feed. Does anyone have experience creating iCal feeds for a TownNews calendar? If so, could you please assist me with the steps?

For reference, here is the link to our calendar: http://www.theeastcarolinian.com/calendar/

Thanks in advance!



Christine Masters 6 years ago

Hello! This is actually an easy answer... essentially, we have built-in support for iCal as part of our search capability. So, just generate a search for your calendar, including any search options you would like to include (I do this usually by just going to the search page and doing a search), such as:


This is just a general search, but I added fl=free which will only include items that are flagged as free.

Other search parameters can be found here:


Then, after you get the search you want, change the format to ical. The format is shown in the URL as f=html, so just change that to f=ical and it will download an ics file.

Under review

Documentation for flex templates

Aidian 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by George DuMontier 6 years ago 9

Is there any documentation dealing with templates/components/skins/etc for flex sites? Beyond the bare UTL api docs all I've seen are a series of videos at http://help.bloxcms.com/knowledge-base/developers_corner/. Those videos are focused entirely on Zen sites and are no help for someone working on Flex. Am I missing something?


Increase font size in vertical galleries

Andrew 6 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

We have had great luck building vertical galleries of images, HTML assets, articles, etc. But the font size is more formatted for a cutline-size block of text than a more robust report. 

Consider this vertical gallery: https://madison.com/news/national/life-or-death-warning-major-study-says-world-has-just/collection_6e57491c-80d0-5b19-9983-1320aee9f99b.html

This proved to be a very popular article, but the text is cutline sized, so it's hard to read.

Another example: https://madison.com/now/today/your-daily-capital-gazette-publishes-as-suspect-charged-with-murder/collection_8dd73a20-ec6d-5e71-9c16-dc5bded6ffb0.html#1

And another: https://madison.com/news/data/the-most-dangerous-states-for-drinking-and-driving/collection_6e736b8a-782c-563b-830c-49ae16cb13da.html

Standard article sized type would be a perfect alternative: https://madison.com/news/nation/government-and-politics/nikki-haley-resigning-as-ambassador-to-united-nations/article_177ce5fb-915e-5819-b7cd-d0b570ad27ed.html#tncms-source

The rules could be: Direct children of the collection get larger size font. Children of children, such as a photo embedded in an article, get the regular smaller-size cutline text.

I think this would improve time on site because people would read more from those collections, as well as improving the reader experience.



Default settings for 'Numbered Most Popular' block

George DuMontier 6 years ago 0

I see on the Number Most Popular block, that you can choose a metric. (i.e. Most Viewed, or Most Commented), but what if I leave that radio button unchecked?

Does anyone know if it defaults to one or the other? Or a combination of both?

Under review

How to change newsletter "From" email?

Robert Armstrong 6 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 6 years ago 4

I'm trying to figure out how to change what email address our newsletter is sent from. I've verified and set the preferred address in Constant Contact, but newsletters sent from within BLOX don't use it. Is there a way to overwrite or change what email is used for newsletters?

Under review

Customizable Menu on AMP Template

Robert Dundon 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Robert Dundon 6 years ago 2
What problem(s) does this idea solve? Why do you need this idea implemented? Provide as many problems or use cases as possible.

Several site editors have expressed a need to have some level of control over the menu being used. Currently, the AMP template always pulls the navigation from the nav region "mobile-nav-left," no matter what. There are no overrides or changes available to this, as it's hard-coded[1].

How often would you use this feature?

As often as site editors want to change/adjust the navigation.

How many people in your organization would use this feature?

At least 3-5 site editors (one at each of our sites)

[1]: The code is on line 8 or module.amp.nav.utl in the Core TN AMP component in Flex.


Infinity Scroll - Card: Summary blocks - Safari

Kevin M. Cox 6 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 6 years ago 8

I'm very happy to see this new option: 

Encourage engagement with new Infinity Scroll option on "Card: Summary" block

In my testing it seems to be working great in Chrome and Firefox, but not in Safari (desktop or mobile). The little spinning loading graphic just sits there and never loads any other content.

Has anyone else seen this issue on their site? Is it a known issue?

Safari accounts for 42% of our traffic so we need to make sure the feature is working there before enabling it across the site.


Christine Masters 6 years ago

Hi guys!

Thanks for reporting this. Yes, we've confirmed this is an issue and it is fixed in the next upcoming release.