Your comments

Hi Donnie!

We are currently vetting alternatives, so we should see movement on this soon.

Can you clarify the minimum of $200? Have you been billed for that already?

My understanding was that there was $200 free usage per month from Google. Are you saying that you're going over that already?

Hey Tom!

What block are you using for this? Other than Email Reach blocks and the Promo Designer, I can't think of any blocks that have UTM tracking options in them.

We had some ideas about doing something similar to this... we were thinking about passing a hashtag and then triggering a custom dimension in GA when we saw that hashtag.

Hello! This is actually an easy answer... essentially, we have built-in support for iCal as part of our search capability. So, just generate a search for your calendar, including any search options you would like to include (I do this usually by just going to the search page and doing a search), such as:

This is just a general search, but I added fl=free which will only include items that are flagged as free.

Other search parameters can be found here:

Then, after you get the search you want, change the format to ical. The format is shown in the URL as f=html, so just change that to f=ical and it will download an ics file.

I was going to test this out before posting, but just in the interest of getting this out there... in BLOX Email Reach, there is a panel for settings for each of the mail lists. On that panel there is a field for "from" and I think that's what you're looking for.

It depends on the situation and the layout of the page. In general you want to have a "screenfull" of items on the page, and then load enough items to fill a few more screens as a user scrolls down.

So if the block is going to take up the whole page, you may want to have 10 - 15 items showing up. If it is just a few items at the bottom of an article that scroll down, you may want to have 4 - 5 items.

The og:image meta information on the page, which is how Twitter is supposed to get the preview, points to the right information.

So, at the time Twitter scraped the page, either the image wasn't there, it was in the wrong order, it wasn't the right size, or there was some other issue.

To fix these kinds of issues, you can run the Twitter Card validator, which causes a page rescrape:

After I did that, the preview in the validator shows the correct image. It SHOULD update the preview now in a little bit (it takes a while to go through maybe 15 - 30 mins).

Here is info on how to update Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn cards: 

Hi Robert!

Can you speak a bit more about the problem you're trying to solve? What kinds of things are not desirable on AMP but are desired in your mobile nav?

We did meet with Google about this, and they are going to recommend a few alternatives to us. We are still researching other alternatives as well, but it doesn't seem like there is a really obvious replacement.

Hey Alex, does Kevin's answer help? I agree with his answer as far as I understand your question. I'll give him the Answer check mark. =)

TotalCMS just sends sections over to the CMS, so you just want to get them to match. There are different panels in each that control what exists in each place. Normally you want them to be the same - but, maybe sometimes you don't! (Section tags from AP or other syndicated content that goes directly to the hosted platform may not need to be created in TotalCMS, for example).

If you have the TotalCMS user guide information, it is described in the "tags" section.

Also, as a side note, you can export your section tags from one platform (or one BLOX site!) and import them into another.