Your comments

Can you give some examples? It is possibly something we could add for everyone. Adding another presentation type is actually not too difficult to do as long as it is global.

Hi guys!

As I said previously, we are investigating the ability to provide a new mapping option, and have been investigating different providers.

Right now we are very heavily leaning toward HERE, and have chosen to start development on that. I don't want to say it is a final choice because things may be discovered or could change as we build... but as Aidian said, the free 250k transactions appears to be the most generous.

You'll have to get an API key from HERE, but a credit card is not required. 

We will also begin to look at ways to store geo-data since this service allows that, and then for future map renders we don't need to geo-code each time. Our editorial application, for example, allows you to store your geo-data.

Anyway, as I said, we are still doing dev on this - but let me know if anyone has any thoughts or input. Thanks!

I just changed it so it would work on mobile... look at it on a phone or make your browser window skinny so it triggers the phone size.

It's just that the tel link needs to be on mobile only.

Hi Peggy!

Since the promo design is a block on the page, you have to place it somewhere on the site. 

Ad Owl does have places where you can add the block to the page, so, it is possible to have a Promo Designer block there.

However! The complexity comes from what you mean by "abandon." If you mean that they closed the website - you're right, this block couldn't be used for that purpose.

However, you could do a block on the page itself. An exit intent block won't work the same on mobile, but you could do the following:

- When a user hits the bottom of the page

- Wait 10 seconds

- Overlay with a "button" with tel:515-123-1234

- Use visibility classes to ensure it only shows on mobile phones

- Create another version for desktop

- Use Mailto

I didn't test this too much, but I did a quick example you can see (for a time) here:

We have a feature request in to be able to search and add a link to the asset via a BLOX panel similar to the sibling relationship. So you would highlight some text, click a "link" button in the text editor, find the asset and hit save. It would automatically associate the correct link for you. No copy and paste!

We had some internal discussion about landscape mode... it seems like many apps don't allow landscape on phones. I think it is just that there is very little space to actually read anything when it is in landscape mode.

It may be part of a tablet-specific app presentation, though. Do you agree with that?
Yes, we are working on font size! Currently slated for the next version, due out early next year.
We actually have this as a feature request on our road map, so I hope that we can provide built-in functionality for this at some point.

That being said, to address the issue of helping to be able to find an article that you need to reference over and over, you could:

- Add a special keyword tag to it, such as #master, and create a saved search for that keyword. Then, keep referencing that saved search (you can even make it your default starting search).

- Put the start time far into the future, and then sort your assets by start time. This will put the "master" files at the very beginning.

That being said, none of these options are totally ideal unless there is a built-in feature for this, which is why it is on our list. =)

Let me know if this helps!

I do have a feature request in for this, I'd be interested to hear what you think. Here is my request so far:


We should offer the ability for end users to edit or delete their own comments.

Edit Comments

There would be an "edit" button under the comment. Clicking on it would turn the comment area into an editable text box. The user would be able to edit or change their comment and click submit.

Then, after the comment goes through, they would have an note that says, "Modified by Christine Masters at 2:12 AM on June 6, 2018."

The changed/corrected comment should go through approval if the site has pre-approval turned on.

The changed/corrected comment should go through spam detection.

Delete Comments

There would be a "delete" button under the comment. If the user clicks on it, it says, "Are you sure your wish to delete this comment?" And if they say OK, it is deleted.

Instead of showing the comment, it would have a note that says, "This comment was deleted by Christine Masters at 2:34 AM on June 6, 2018."

It should remain in "deleted" state in the BLOX admin.

I like the idea of only allowing them to comment for a short period of time, though. I could add that to it...

What are your thoughts?

We need a data vendor, a geo lookup vendor and a method of displaying the maps on the site (map tiles). Google Maps performs all of those functions. Open Street Map is only the data... so we would need someone who provides the service to query it, and then another vendor to offer map tiles (like LeafletJS). LocationIQ and MapQuest both use Open Street Map data.

Anyway, we are looking at a few different vendors and should hopefully have something available soon.