Your comments

So the ratios could be:

1:1 (square)
2:3 (mugshot)
4:3 (rectangle)
16:9 (widescreen)

8:3 (extreme horizontal)

Maybe 2:3 for mugshots? Flex doesn't typically crop the mugshots, but it could help with consistency between mugs...

I'm working on this now. I am pitching something like the following:

- Ratio boxes in the cropping tool to help you crop to the right size.

- Previews specific to each ratio size, so you could THEORETICALLY (not mandatory) have different crops at different ratios.

- A new extreme horizontal ratio like 8:3 which would be good for some slideshows or graphical designs. Is there a standard ratio for extreme horizontal?

- Any other ratios to support other than 1:1, 4:3, 16:9, 8:3?

(Fixing zoom awkwardness with the cropping tool is another, separate, planned improvement.)

Hey guys, I am working on getting this improvement done. Here is what I am thinking:

On article details pages:

- If the date/time is less than a certain amount of time (a few hours), show the "pretty date" - which is like, "8 hours ago"

- After that, show the publication date and time in standard format

- Always have publication date/time

- When there is an updated time, show both

So for example it would be:

When the story is first published, it should say:

Published: March 30, 2010 at 8:01 pm
When it is updated, it should say:
Published: March 30, 2010 at 8:01 pm
Updated: March 31, 2011 at 4:34 pm

On blocks (for example, on the front page), I would leave it as it is (where it shows updated time).

Thoughts? Feedback?


Hi Kyle!

Technically, Google AMP is enabled when the AMP link is included in your article documents. Adding this link is what BLOX CMS does for you when you enable AMP within our system. Google then scrapes the pages and hosts them on Google's superfast cache servers.

I can tell you that when you turn off Google AMP within BLOX CMS, we will stop including the Google AMP link as soon as the cache expires (5 - 10 mins).

So the question is how long it stays in Google's cache. It looks like they sort of address it here:

"Cached content that no longer exists will eventually get removed from the cache"

So I guess the answer is, eventually! =) I am not sure if there could be something could offer regarding the "update-ping" that is discussed there, I will ask our developers about that.

It sounds like you are just interested in experimenting with AMP. If so, I would point at that because it is enabled via a URL custom property, you could do it on one section as a test (say, sports or entertainment). Then you could track mobile page views for those sections and see how they track compared to previous sections, etc.

Hope this helps!

Hi Nick!

This property adds a region that will be inside the story on article pages. Unfortunately, this was before we had Utility Regions, so in order to get to it in the block editor, you have to go to the index page and then you'll see a box that says something like, "This region will only appear on article pages." If you place blocks there, they will NOT show on the index page, but will show in the article.

Honestly, this was very confusing to customers, so we moved to Utility Regions on Flex. But, you can still employ it on Zen if needed.

Flex does full-width inline photos (which was a highly requested feature), instead of 300px like Zen.

The problem was that if you had a vertical image, being full-width ended up with REALLY BIG images that looked pretty crazy.

So now we do a check - if it is a vertical image (as you show here), it will float right. If it is horizontal, it will be full-width. Most of the time this works well since you're just trying to put the image near the copy, and it looks better since it is not super huge.

In your case I would recommend cropping the image to be slightly horizontal (literally one pixel more width than height) and it will be full-width in the article as you intend.

(We do have a feature request in to add some tools to inline photos to give them some options... like half-width, float left, float right, etc. So you can choose more of the display. We are hoping it will be on the docket for next year but I don't have an ETA yet.)

Yes, we are hoping that the newest bug fixes for iOS and OS X fixes this as well! We also just did a system-wide cache clear from the CDN and the servers, which MAY help if it is a problem with cache poisoning.

We are also going to update the Bootstrap file with the newest Bootstrap code - we don't think it is a Bootstrap issue per se but changing the file should bust cache on all sites on template updates. (And we do frequent updates to this library anyway.)

Unfortunately, if it is fixed we'll have no idea what did it... but that's OK as long as it is fixed. :)