Your comments

What we had discussed at our brainstorming meeting is that it would do sort of a behind-the-scenes save that would allow you to "restore" the data in the event of an emergency, but would not be treated as a true revision. So, it is for recovery purposes but wouldn't be an official "save."
Yes, my understanding of the idea is that auto-save to work in the BLOX text editor for articles - which means it would eventually work on both Total CMS and BLOX hosted CMS. We're still speccing out the requirements though.
We've really tried to stay away from PDFs and Flash, if possible, in Flex.
Actually, we have a feature on the roadmap that I think would solve this problem. We have been discussing a feature that saves the file every few minutes (or, maybe, seconds, I'm not sure). If you accidentally deleted your data, you would be able to go back to the page and "restore" the unsaved work.

Doesn't that sound like a good solution?
Hi Andrew!

Can you tell me more about your use case for this? Are you working in the template editor?
Hi Mike!

This is actually a feature in our next software release, tentatively scheduled for next week. Each link asset will now support the ability to independently have its own "open in new window" status.

Syndication (as you saw) also supports this, and will check this box through the syndication process.

It isn't so much that it is hard, just that we had to change several different template applications, plus several different software applications to coordinate and support the tiny checkbox. =)
Yeah, the "summary" tab was meant as a way to provide a lede that is more suited to previews and external pages if the real story's lede is too "creative." :) But I see what you're saying - these days you want as much streamlining as possible.

We have thought about different ways to do this... but there are potential performance issues if we were to load the entire article and then truncate it, versus the lede. (Does that make sense?) But I will talk to a few people and see if there are any other ideas...