Your comments

It's just a CSS thing that can be changed in your site.css and (depending on if you use web fonts) other files... If you need help you can put in a support ticket and they will walk you through the process.

I will say, however, that it is harder to change fonts in our Zen system because it is older and has more things to target. But you could do, like, the headlines, or a few things like that.

We have a new front-end system call Flex where this would be much easier, but it would require a full redesign to move to it (worth it, though!). :)
Hi there!

I would bet that these users are in "private" browsing mode in Safari. In fact, one of the screenshots in your ticket looks like it is showing the dark grey browser chrome (address bar) that is indicative of private browsing mode.

Private browsing mode blocks local storage options, which are needed by metering. We have some plans to make this a better user experience though, for example putting up a message saying that they need to turn off private browsing.

Hey Rob,

Here is some info... it is pretty long, but if you want to skip ahead just search for the word expandable (there are a few different kinds):
We did look into this, and it was a browser compatibility thing. In order to get consistent results across browsers, we had to implement this behavior.

However, it has been a few years, and some old browsers have dropped off, so it could be time to re-examine this. We'll make a feature request for a upcoming version so our developers can investigate our options now. :)
Hi there!

I looked through your site and I don't see anything that could be causing this now that we've fixed that bookmark URL. I wonder if we're somehow seeing cached pages with the bad bookmark URL on it? Regardless, would you mind creating a support ticket (reference this post, please), and we can have a developer look into it more in depth? Thanks! :)
On Zen templates (which most people have), you can hide them with CSS. You take the div ID:


and in combination with the section class in the html-container dev:


You could do something like this in your site.css:

.news #index-section-title {
display: none;

On Flex templates, our new responsive design themes, it is just a block you can delete.

Hi Kevin!

You can only do an "or" query within a specific rule. So, you can do section = news "or" sports, by creating one query rule with each of those items selected.

You can do an "and" query by selecting section = news AND (a separate rule) section = sports.

But, you can't currently do "or" queries for two different rule types.

We do have a feature request in for this already, but it is not currently roadmapped. It would require a large architectural change to implement. It could be something we look at more in the future, however.
Hey Michael,

I heard that you've seen a good increase in page views since launching Flex? Do you have a sense as to the cause, other than just an increase in mobile-friendliness?
Social broadcast is a great way to handle social posts, because they will go online nearly instantly and automatically link to your content - but also you can click on the "live" link at any time after save to get the live URL.