Your comments

1. Change the name displayed for a section.

There isn't really a great way to do this that I can think of... You could perhaps change the title of the section to be "Free News" and then it would say the title instead. If you only had one situation like this, you might be able to do a UTL replacement or maybe a JavaScript replacement. But both of those are not ideal.

2. Change the URL that a GeoLocation links to.

You can override the tags at the bottom of the page... there would probably have to be some custom UTL code that would say, if it is this geo-tag then go to this URL... It may require some custom code.

For both of these issues, I would sent a ticket to our Customer Support team and see if they could do something custom. But, there isn't a build-in way to do either of these.

Hi Jonathan!

It depends on if you have a Flex site or a Zen site. With Flex you can use a URL property, with Zen you need to do a CSS override. Either way, our Customer Support team can help you get this rolling.
Yep, I think that's a good idea, thanks! :)

Also, for future reference, this site is meant for general discussion, feature requests, and a place where customers may be able to share ideas and help each other. If you have an immediate customer support issue, it would be best to submit a ticket to our Customer Support team.
Hey Hunter,

This specific issue would probably be better addressed by our Customer Support team, who can involve systems and other departments if needed. Have you submitted a ticket? Let me know if so...

Thanks! :)
Hi there!

Sorry for the misunderstanding, but all of these items are automatically implemented already and the details are in the document I referenced previously:

The title, description and photo are automatically pulled from the article. We'll use the prologue first (the summary tab), so if you don't like the first paragraph of the article you can type something into the summary tab and it will be used on all article previews (including blocks).

The only areas where you might want to customize the pages are on the section fronts and maybe the front page. Those will use the URL property description, so you can just type things there and they will be used (you should have a nice description there for search and seo purposes anyway).

Hope this helps!

When we first set up sites, we usually change the regions in the right rail so that some inherit and some do not. If you have this situation, you can just put the block into a region that is not inherited by its children, and it will only be shown on the front page.

If your site has changed this and made all of the regions inherit, then yes, you will have to "dis-inherit" the region in order to separate it on the child URLs.

But I would recommend trying to re-order your right rail so that you have some regions that inherit and some that do not, and you can use them accordingly.
We are actually working on Broadcast for TCMS right now, and it should be out later this year. As for delayed broadcasting, let me get back to you on that.
This is a great question. And I hope we hear some comments from other sites as well to get all of their experiences.

A few thoughts about BLOX Commenting:

1. Some media sites switch to Facebook hoping that commenters will be more responsible when posting under their real names. But, perhaps surprisingly, people say bad stuff even on their Facebook accounts! We have some customers who switched to Facebook comments and then moved away from it.

2. It is becoming more and more important for media sites to have information about their users - whether or not they are subscribers, whether or not they are loyal users, (whether or not they are human rather than a bot!). All of this knowledge is very important to advertisers and to the site's analytics.

When users register in order to comment, that information becomes data that is available to the media site, and can be very valuable (even, as I said before, just the fact that they are a real person!). This information can be critical if you're thinking about using the iQ data management platform.

If you're using another commenting system, that other system then gets that data, and possibly other data on the page about users' traffic patterns and behaviors.

3. Once a user registers for the site, it becomes easier for that user to log in for future transactions - to post content, to buy stuff, to subscribe to the site. Anything that makes things easier for the user is good for the site! :)

4. When you use BLOX Commenting, you control and have access to the comments themselves, so they can go with you if you ever upgrade your system or move to another CMS (not that I would ever recommend such a thing!).

5. BLOX Comments is not dependent on a third-party script to load.

6. When you use BLOX Comments, we show a comment count widget next to the headline, indicating the level of interest.

That being said, here are some thoughts about other comment systems:

1. On the Zen system, we give you the choice between Facebook and BLOX Comments, On the Flex system, we offer BLOX Comments, Disqus, Facebook or Livefyre.

2. While the BLOX Comments system is more integrated into the page, other comment systems are adept at having faster conversations because they update "live" on the page. This can be a great way for users to have more conversational "chats" rather than discussions. (The Livefyre comments actually says how many people are "listening" to a comment thread, which shows the level of interest.)

3. As Adam said, with other commenting systems, the user may already have an account, making it easier to log in and post. This is true with Facebook of course, but Disqus and Livefyre also have easy Facebook/Twitter logins.

4. Livefyre actually has a "guest" mode, so users can post anonymously without logging in anywhere. This could be useful for sections of the site (maybe obituaries?) where there could be a lot of one-time users who don't want to create any account.

5. Disqus is used by many sites, and all users on that system are global with a single user profile. So it is cool that you can click on a user and see all of the comments they post on all Disqus sites on the internet.

That being said, BLOX allows you to set your commenting mode on a per-section basis. So, you can actually choose different commenting systems on different areas of the site.

Maybe you want Facebook for the entertainment section and the Business Directory, but BLOX Comments for news and elsewhere? Or, you can test out a commenting system in one location to see if it seems to catch on, without having to switch your entire site.

Anyway, sorry this is so long - but I hope it helps! =)

We're vetting our options right now with private browsing mode from Safari. It is different than Google Chrome's Incognito mode... Incognito mode accepts cookies and everything else, but just dumps it at the end of the session. In Safari, some options (like, I believe, local storage) are not available.

My thoughts right now is that we would try to see if we can make Safari work with private browsing mode. I think we use it to track whether or not you've read this article before (if so, it doesn't count toward your meter). But, if Safari doesn't accept this, then you should still get the story, but you would just also get your meter incremented. It would be one of the downsides of private browsing mode.

I think though that the industry trend is to make private browsing mode truly private - in the sense that there is no way for site to know if it was being used. Because of that, there is no good way for us to put up a message saying that we've detected you're in private browsing mode, please turn it on, etc. (Note that there IS a way with Safari right now - but we assume they will likely fix that in the future.)
I think this is a great idea. I will ask if it is possible - it looks like their API is fleshed out but I will ask our devs to evaluate.