Your comments

Hi Gillian!

The area in red will show the dates that are listed in the calendar event schedule, and that's always been there (at least, it has been for a few years).

I'm not sure I understand how this is "private" information though? The date, August 15, is also in the title.

You have to have an event schedule, so that information will always show there. However, you could hide it with CSS if for some reason you didn't want it to show there.
Well, if you remove the categories it won't be found when users browse those category listings... but it could still be found in a keyword search. Personally, I would just make sure you don't see it on the promotional blocks and not worry about categories... but removing the categories would take it a step further.

Making sure it doesn't show up in the Power Listing block depends on the query rules being used to pull items into that block. You just have to make sure that it doesn't match those query rules.

It could be that the query rules are too general (like, show all businesses with feature priority of 25 and above), so you could add additional rules to the block. Like, just as an example, all businesses also must have a keyword of #live. (The # in front of the keyword means it will not display in most places in the front end, but can still be used for queries).

That way, all businesses that are in the block will be approved with a keyword of #live. Those that are not yet done may have all the same properties, but with the #live keyword they will not show up in promotional blocks.
Hi Nick!

There isn't a way to preview it before making it "live." However, you can set it up and then have the advertiser preview it before you promote it on the front page or elsewhere. That way, they can see it before it gets a lot of traffic... but technically it is still live and able to be found in search.
There's not a way other than start time of the article (as you already mentioned). I'll move this to our feature request area and add it as a feature request in our system.
Hi Craig!

We have not yet done a public webinar on Flex. We're hoping to do something later this year! :)
Also, on Zen templates, there is a class in the main container to target CSS specifically to that article.

So it would be like:

.article_fcee2867-bdc4-56c9-8931-1294cfab2acd-html strong, .article_fcee2867-bdc4-56c9-8931-1294cfab2acd-html b {
color: #fff;
font-weight: bold;}
Just an update for the public here... Nick submitted this via ticket and we're working on it.

This is a glitch between our login/logout cache-bust behavior and AddThis' email tracking link. It creates a .email extension that is not valid in our system.

We are trying to see if there is a way to change one of the behaviors... We may need to turn off AddThis tracking behavior (to remove the .email link.) Not sure yet though! :)
Hi Nick,

On a Zen site, this would require template certification of some level, but our Customer Support team can help with this as well.

On a Flex site, we've built these in as URL custom properties. You can just go to the user URL and set each available field, and whether you want it to be available, required or hidden.