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Under review

Has anyone tried this ad layout on their article pages?

Kyle Whitfield 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Robert Armstrong 7 years ago 3

Just curious to see if any BLOX customers have tried this side-by-side/300x250 ad layout within story text? Seems to be catching on in the industry.

Under review

Multiple Calls to Action in single ad?

Sam 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 7 years ago 1

Hello all: I'm new to BLOX and am trying to learn as I go along. I have a client that has provided me with an image ad and has requested two different links be embedded based on where the page viewer clicks. I'm afraid this would require that the ad be an html ad, but I've not been able to find any documentation as to what I need to do to get this ad posted. Any help from fellow experienced users would be greatly appreciated.


Livestream or webcast

Richard 7 years ago 0

Hey, folks — does anyone do webcasts or other sort of livestream via their website?


Two New Options On Pre-Roll Videos

Mark McGregor 7 years ago in BLOX Total CMS 0

On Pre-Roll Videos can you a time can you add two options:

1. Add a countdown clock so users can see how much longer the Pre-Roll is going to last
2. Add a skip button


Request: Larger image size for full-bleed inline images

mbusse 7 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

When Article Presentation = Long-form & Inline Image Presentation = Full-bleed, it looks like Blox displays the image at 1200px width (URL: ...image.jpg?resize=1200%2C800) and then uses CSS to size up to 100% width. On viewports wider than 1200px this causes the images to go fuzzy. 

My suggestion is when Article Presentation = Long-form & Inline Image Presentation = Full-bleed, the image resize should go higher, e.g. 1920px. 

Image 316


​Feature request: Add rich text editor to form header

mbusse 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Nick 7 years ago 2

Feature request: Add the rich text editor to the header of a Form (under Design > Forms) so form headers can have paragraph breaks, bold text etc.

Image 313


Facebook Messenger Breaking News

Lindsay 7 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

Hi there, I was on the meeting today when TownNews mentioned a new feature on how to push news articles out through Facebook Messenger. I am very interested in this feature, but I haven't been able to find it within our account. We have a flex system and this is something that our paper wants to use immediately if available. If anyone knows how to do this please let me know! 


Major Poll Asset bug

Kevin M. Cox 7 years ago in BLOX Total CMS 0

To our frustration, we've stumbled across a major shortcoming of Poll Assets this week.

Apparently any change to a poll asset (such as changing the section) resets the poll back to zero for all options. There is no warning in the GUI about this.

Also because the answer counts are not editable by the admin there is no way to restore the previous counts from the asset's revision history prior to the reset.

We're now stuck hoping that Town News engineering can merge the pre-reset and post-reset counts together for these assets so we aren't left with egg on our faces and the inability to announce these results to our readers.

• This behavior needs to be corrected. Admins should be able to change minor things about a poll asset without having the counts reset.

• Poll counts should be editable by admins, maybe ones with a certain level of permissions?

• As with other assets, there needs to be an easier way to restore a revision.

• As Jacki mentioned in this post, poll assets need an end date that stops collecting responses but still displays the results.

What other improvements to poll assets would y'all like to see?


End time for poll asset

Jacki Gray 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 7 years ago 1

I'm not seeing a setting on poll assets that allows the user to set an "end" date for the collection of submissions. Is there a way to do that? For example, I'd like to collect submissions for one week, end submissions, but then still display the results.


WCAG 2.0 AA for the disabled

Alessia Alaimo 7 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

Have you guys implemented any best practices for our FLEX websites to be compatible and read by people with disability? 

This is the topic on a webinar that I was invited to: WCAG 2.0 AA


Syndicated content / Live E-edition woes in TCMS

kyle rickhoff 7 years ago in BLOX Total CMS 0

1. What problem(s) does this idea solve?

We want to give SEO authority to a certain Bloxs website. However, we want the story to appear in print editions. Currently, PageTracker is auto-site tagging stories to the newspaper website. 

Does not have a process that retains TNCMS canonical URLs when passing through TCMS.

Does not have a process that allows/denies certain TCMS sections from PageTracker’s site tagging.

Does not have a process that allows PageTracker-site-tagged stories to be limited to the e-edition application.

Does not have a process that allows different rules for different site tags. (Do not publish on one site, Publish on another site)

This limits our ability to share print edition content across papers without creating duplicate stories or multiple canonical URLS.  

2. Why do you need this idea implemented? Provide as many problems or use cases as possible.

Montana sites would like to syndicate content across multiple TNCMS and TCMS sites.  

An editor can share stories across multiple websites and print editions from a TCMS asset. 

We are expanding our website portfolio. This includes building out niche sites outside of our newspaper brands. The goal is driving advertising and audience through topic-specific sites. 

MontanaUntamed is a hub and spoke distribution model. All the outdoors content created for the Montana newspapers are sent to this one domain, then the content (and canonical URL) is distributed across Montana, Lee and TN Content Exchange papers. 

Q: Since it is part of the billingsgazette.com Edition, wouldn't you want it to come from billingsgazette.local so the article would be linked up to the e-edition?

A: Preferably, yes. If we can't have both, we want to drive incremental revenue and audience through highly-monetized web pages over PDF pages with 1-ad behind a paywall. 

3. How often would you use this feature? Hourly. 

4. How many people in your organization would use this feature? Hundreds of editors and reporters.

PageTracker / canonical url / Syndication


Social share icons on long-form articles

Beth OMalley 7 years ago in BLOX Total CMS 0

When we make a story long form, the social share icons drop WAY to the very bottom of the article, instead of at the top near the byline/image.

For example: http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/st-louis-county-man-uncovers-long-forgotten-grave-of-officer/article_166d925b-76e9-5b56-bd0e-832672d6fe6b.html

versus: http://www.stltoday.com/lifestyles/health-med-fit/health/worry-grows-in-missouri-over-proposed-medicaid-cuts-effects-on/article_e8b0f1b8-c1c3-5e67-bb36-5df9bd149e6c.html

AND, at the bottom, they are very small. 

Can they be added back at the top of the article, under the byline perhaps?

Under review

Classified Ad Refuses to Publish?

Melanie Fair 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 7 years ago 2

I've had this happen with an article before and it's completely ludacris. No matter how many times I try and post it, including deleting the ad and starting a new one, it refuses to publish to the website. Are there some sort of page-breaking symbols I'm unintentionally adding?

Under review

Implementing 360 videos and photos

Robert Armstrong 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Henry M. Lopez 7 years ago 5

With "VR" and other 360 degree cameras becoming more readily avaliable and affordable, we need a way to be able to upload and share our photos and videos. We can get it to work with HTML assets and other tricks, but it would be nice if it was "dumbed down" for our editors so they could just make a 360 asset and be done with it. Google has a VR viewer that could easily be intergrated into BLOX.


There is also Pannellum, which is what we're using: https://pannellum.org