Your comments

Our /community/podcast URL has the search skin and all of the Podcast information filled in under the Page customizations. Then the actual audio assets have at least two sections assigned to them -- one is /community/podcast the other is /community/podcasts_and_audio. The podcasts_and_audio section and any other sections are there for pulling content into blocks on section front pages.

Just as an FYI, when you set up your Podcast category, you'll want to use one of the categories listed here

Our Lancaster Farming website ( has this set up. There is a page showing all of the podcast assets and a page set up as a URL with a search skin to generate the iTunes RSS feed.

Is this the sort of example you're looking for?

I think our company looked at piano, but that was over a year ago, and I wasn't in those discussions to know what people liked or didn't like about them.

Another company you may want to look at is BNTech is part of Buffalo News. We've been working with them on user reporting/tracking.

The ability to exclude sections or flags from searches would be awesome!

Do you have a Google site verification code? It's 40 characters long and made up of letters and numbers. If you have that, you can go to the Page customizations for the top level page on your site. Under the Meta Data section, there is a Google site verification field. That's where you enter that code. That will create the google-site-verification meta tag for you.

It's a block that's available in the Flex templates.

I just tried the Uiltity: Breadcrumbs block on a test page, and that was allowed in the utility region. There's no page heading with it. It's just the breadcrumbs.

We aren't using this on articles, but isn't there a Utility: Breadcrumbs block that you could use in one of the utility regions?

We're looking at launching a puzzles area on our site in the next couple of weeks. We haven't found any good free puzzle options, but we'd be interested in any ones that others can recommend. We've resorted to creating our own puzzles. So far we have hangman, slider puzzles, alphametics and nonograms.

We've used Shopify for the occasional merchandise that we've had for sale. We've also used it for print subscription sales. I haven't worked with it personally, so I can't really tell you much about how it's set up or how easy it is to use. It might be worth looking at though.