Your comments

Could this have anything to do with the IE7 asterisk hacks in the stylesheets? Those result in a lot of warnings in the console in Safari that Chrome doesn't seem to notice.

[Warning] Invalid CSS property declaration at: *
[Warning] Unexpected CSS token: :

I see these warnings on The Advocate's homepage and ours (

Actually there may be a TN issue. When I save our homepage to my home screen sometimes the images show up and sometimes they don't, and sometimes the logo link works and sometimes it doesn't. So I hooked my phone up to my laptop and used the web inspector.

Doing that showed me that sometimes the page is throwing a lot of errors (at the moment I see 66). Sometimes they go away with a page reload, and sometimes I end up with more of them. Some are related to TN scripts and some to the Google ad scripts. It's very inconsistent. It's likely those errors are causing preventing the image loads.

As for the logo, I noticed that the status bar (with the date, battery level, etc.) overlaps the logo and hamburger menu area. So if I click on the logo toward the very top of my screen, nothing happens. I think it thinks I'm clicking on that status bar. If I click at the very bottom of the logo, the link works. If TN would change the meta tag for 'apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style' to 'default' or 'black' instead of 'black-translucent', the status bar would be above the logo and the hamburger menu. There wouldn't be an overlap, and that might solve one of the problems.

We also use MyCapture and our AP photos do not have the buy link on them. Similarly any photos with the keyword #nosale don't get the buy link.

I would open a ticket with TN support. I see in our templates where there is code to exclude the link on photos with the keyword #nosale as well as anything flagged AP along with some other checks for photos to exclude. If this isn't working for you, then it's probably worth reporting it as a bug.

According to the documentation, there is supposed to be a Signup blocking option under Settings -> Users. I think that may be what you're looking for

The number of subscribers actually visiting the site in a given month is information that we would interested in knowing too.

If you have the "Next" and "Previous" Article-to-article navigation turned on, you also get that text at the top

Our site appears to have the same problem as yours. I think this is related the fact that, like us, you have a registration wall set up. I think when the Safari reader hits the restricted access content, it isn't allowing that content to be displayed. I say this because our obituaries are not behind the registration/google survey wall and the text of those come up in reader mode. The image isn't there, but the text is.

Until TN adds a way to do this in the form builder, there is a little bit of javascript that you could try putting into an HTML block on the form page that would let you set the start date for the date picker. You could set the value to today + 11 days, and the user won't be able to select anything earlier.

If you want help with that, let me know.

Hi Aidian.

Speaking as someone who moved from Zen to Flex, it's not any more intuitive for me than it is for you. I find it incredibly frustrating a lot of the time when I'm trying to figure out where things are happening in the code and where I can/should make changes.

A few things that I've learned are:

More often than not, you do need to trace things. Given the way that your site's files templates and macros will override the core Flex templates and macros, you generally need to know whether there is a local one or if you are using the core version.

I find it helps to look at the page source and identity a class or element id that I can use to search the templates to get an idea of where to start. For example, we wanted to make some changes to the calendar on our site, so I started by searching the templates for "event-list." That let me find the templates/results.html.utl. That led me to the cal_searchForm macro. Once I got there, I saw that we would need to create our own version of the Calendar app in order to do what we wanted. Granted it wasn't as though I went straight from one file to the next to the next, but it gives you an idea of the path.

Anything that you do will override the core files. The code looks first for a local version of any macro or template. If it doesn't find one, then it looks to the core macros and templates.

Injection points are your friend., especially if you want to insert something into an article page.

This list from the old documentation site is useful, but sometimes you just have to look through the code to see how to reference a property.

If you have any questions or there's anything I can help you with, I'd be glad to try. I may not get you very far, but I'd give it a shot.

As it turns out there was a bug that TownNews has now fixed for us. In our site settings we had our address as

"8 West King St<br>PO Box 1328". This was being passed over and pulled into the Constant Contact footer, and Constant Contact couldn't handle the <br> being there.