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Spammy pop-up ads when users click on our stories in Facebook

Andrea 6 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Dave von Falkenstein 6 years ago 4

We have noticed an uptick with this problem. Whereas all of my Googling says it is likely an issue with malware on the user's device -- how can we know for sure that the problem isn't on our website? (For the record, about 98% of our ads are served through OAS or Blox. We have NO Google ads on our site -- that I'm aware of, but I don't control the advertising part of our site and don't know much about it. We do have an AP video player that shows Google Ads.)

I have followed all of the advice I see, and even I am still getting the pop-ups (not on every story, but enough to be annoying). 

Thanks in advance! 

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FEEDBACK REQUESTED: Social Override Fields

Christine Masters 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 2

We are working on adding new "social override" fields to allow customization of these meta tags at an asset by asset level. The fields would include:

  • Social preview image: Ability to change og:image separate from main photo or teaser image.
  • Social title: By default it is the headline, but can be overwritten here.
  • Social description: By default it is the summary, but can be overwritten.

Here is the part where I would like feedback:

  • Twitter card: By default, we will use the "summary_large_image" setting, unless vertical or too small, in which case it will use "summary." If there is no image, it will use the og:image tag, and will use the "summary."

I can't (right now) create a default per section, so I need some logic that will get close. I think the following:

- We can have horizontal images use summary_large_image, and articles with no image, small images, or vertical images use "summary."

- I could have all articles with images use "summary_large_image," and only articles with small images or mugshot presentation images use "summary." Articles with vertical images would rely on Twitter's photo cropping AI to fix it. Or, an editor could go into the article and create a new social preview that fixes the crop.

- Twitter card could be changed with batch edit.

Let me know what you think!

Christine Masters 6 years ago

Thanks Kevin! I've also spoken with some people behind the scenes as well and that seems to be pretty universal right now. Thanks!


Admin User Group reporting

Kevin M. Cox 6 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Robert Armstrong 6 years ago 2

There really needs to be an accounting / reporting function for the user groups that admins are assigned to.

I can easily see how many people are in each group, but the only way to figure out who they are is to open the account of each admin user one by one.

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Similar to the Positions dialog under Banner Ads (with Assign/Remove function) I should be able to see which admins are in each group from this window as well as remove and add them without having to open the user accounts individually.

Under review

FEEDBACK REQUESTED: "New" flags, "updated" flags, important updates & more

Christine Masters 6 years ago updated by Kevin M. Cox 6 years ago 6

I am reviewing feature requests and other issues surrounding start times and update times of articles. My question to you guys is:

- Is there any reason NOT to turn on important updates?

I'm considering making this feature enabled by default. Meaning, only updates on which you check the "important updates" box will modify the "last modified" time. An unimportant update would still create an entry in the story's revision history (in case you need to track it), but otherwise wouldn't trigger anything on the front end.

As part of this:

- Add "important updates" to all asset types.

- Allow block to be sorted by "update time" (which would include only important updates).

- Add flags or other indicators on the front end when stories are updated or new.

- Add more specific publish date and updated date to front end article (for transparency to readers)

- Remove settings for "important updates" and "add comments to important updates" since they would be default for everyone.



Auto expire flag

Erica Smith 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 6 years ago 1

Similar to this request from 3 years ago, I'd like to auto-expire some flags. We add "breaking" and "developing" flags to many stories. These flags make sense when they're added, but after a few hours (definitely after a few days) they can be confusing to readers. I'd like for those flags to disappear after a set amount of time. I can recommend how much time that is, or you can let individual sites set that time. 

I don't want to remove the flag — we're using those flags to track stories. (So we can tell reporters whether breaking news stories perform better than an enterprise story, for example.) But if the flag was not visible to the reader after X hours, then I'd have the best of both worlds.

So this is my official feature request. It would solve the problem outlined above. It would be used daily. It would be used by/available to all of our reporters and editors. 

Under review

Change to the "wire" flag

Erica Smith 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 6 years ago 3

We all know what "wire" means. I don't think readers do — at least, not from the readers I've talked to so far. This, however, is one of the flags that's protected

I want to change the "wire" flag so that the public sees a flag that says "news service". (It's OK if our staff sees "wire" in the CMS.) Otherwise, I have to adapt an existing flag ("hot"? "special section"?) so that it will say "news service" to readers, but that description will not be changed in the CMS — we just have to remember that marking "hot" means "news service". 

(I know I can create a custom flag on an asset. But I need this to be assigned in syndication, and I can only apply existing flags there.)


Feature request to Add abbr day of the week to past eedition list in hamburger mean

Troy Sporcic 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 6 years ago 1

1) What problem(s) does this idea solve? Why do you need this idea
implemented? Provide as many problems or use cases as possible.

Currently when you go into the hamburger menu for past eedition all you
see is the date you do not know right away which one was Sunday or
Wednesday without clicking and opening up multiple dates to find the one
you want. Usually the older subscribers are the ones that use the
eedition the most so this would provide a better user experience for
subscribers and users in general to reduce the number of clicks to find
what day of the week they are looking for. Also Tecnavia and Olive
provide the abbr day of the week with the physical date. Just makes
sense as I forget what day it is most of the time.

2) How often would you use this feature? This would be daily and would
want the list of past eedition in the hamburger menu to update daily as
new eeditions are added.

3) How many people in your organization would use this feature?

All of the BH Media sites would use this enhancement and want this feature to be added as our customer service averages about 10 calls a week asking us to add the Day of the week to the past eeditions list to help them find it quickly.  I would think others would be getting the same type of requests from their subscribers as well..


Feature Request: mobile login - remove any spaces before/after usernames and passwords

jgarcia 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 6 years ago 1

We've gotten several complaints about the login not recognizing the user on mobile (but they login fine on desktop).  We've discovered that mobile auto-save and auto-correct is mostly the problem.  Here are the problems we've helped our customers with:
1) Often times there will either be a leading space or trailing space in the username or password. This will fail every time.

2) Sometimes mobile will capitalize the first letter or auto-correct and again will fail the login.

The biggest problem with this is that many of our subscribers don't realize it's happening - and even with our assistance have a hard time trying to un-capitalize a letter (it will keep happening), or to back space to get rid of spaces.

This feature would help many of our users, and prevent them from getting frustrated and unsubscribing. We get 3-4 calls or emails a month on this right now.

This feature would help across the board - and would help every-time someone logged in. 

I'm very curious if other newspapers get this complaint as often as we do?  If so, how do you combat it, besides trying to walk the customer through it?

Thank you!


New e-edition too sensitive on mobile

Nick 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 6 years ago 1

I've heard a few people who've called for other reasons complain about the new e-edition being too sensitive on mobile. When I tried it I found the swipe is too sensitive. For instance if you're trying to pinch to enlarge it's very easy for the system to interpret that as a swipe and advance the page.

In my experience it seems like any horizontal swipe of any distance changes the page. So if while you're trying to pinch you inadvertently swipe to the left or right before starting the pinch the page will change.

Can anything be done to make it not so sensitive? Maybe require a longer swipe distance to advance?


Feature request: Users being able to change credit card for recurring subscriptions

Tim Kalich 6 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Nick 6 years ago 1

When users change credit cards or have new ones issued when they reach their expiration date,  it creates a problem when it's time for a subscription to auto-renew. It would be helpful if the Blox CMS system stored credit card information and allowed a user to go into their Dashboard and change it, just like they can change their email address or their password.


Facebook comments count not correct on summary block

Nick 6 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 6 years ago 1

I figured I'd post this here before I sent in a ticket. Has anyone ever experienced the Facebook comment count being incorrect in a summary block?

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Christine Masters 6 years ago

Hey Nick!

Yeah it looks like a bug. We changed the Facebook URL on the article page to reference the "permanent" BLOX URL (so it doesn't break when you change sections or titles) but (unless you have something custom), it looks like the Facebook comments are referencing the normal BLOX URL. Facebook titles everything together based on URL, so if the URLs are different, it won't show the correct numbers!

I will submit a ticket for this. Thanks!


Moving the "Save" and "Cancel" buttons in the asset creation window

Nick 9 years ago updated by Christine Masters 6 years ago 20
We've had several times when reporters are writing stories and they accidentally move the mouse a half an inch too far and click "Cancel" when they meant to click "Save." I know in this tech savvy world they should know to save, but at the same time auto-save exists in other programs and so they're used to the system saving for them. I think an easy fix(I changed it in the in-browser CSS code in about 15 seconds) to this would be to move the "Save" button and the "Cancel" button a few inches apart.

That's the easy way. I think another thing that would help this issue would be to add a "Are you sure you want to cancel?" prompt if the "Cancel" is clicked and the asset hasn't been saved in a while.

I know TownNews is proud of its in-browser asset creation, but I think the majority of the reporters here have been burned too many times and just write in a word processor, then copy and paste it in TCMS.

Feature Request - Most Commented Widget to include Facebook Comment Counts

John W. Shaw 6 years ago in BLOX Total CMS 0

The Town News system already displays comment counts in both the Facebook code and the Town News comment counter. This feature should be extended further to allow the "Most Commented" widget to track these counts as well. Since the system is already counting these using the built in Town News counter, I would imagine this type of request should be a small step forward.


Trying to set up form to email credit card info

Nick 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Rich Griffin | Product Manager (Product Manager) 6 years ago 1
We're trying to set up a home delivery subscription for our magazine. I've set up the form online but it keeps telling me "User authentication required" when I submit a test form. The form is live and set to $1.

We'd rather use PGP to just email one of our employees the credit card info to process so we don't get hit with a transaction fee from PayPal. But when I click "Enable PGP" it doesn't give me an option for a recipient. Is PGP something that has to be turned on by TN staff? And is there a fee to use PGP?

Since this was a question asked so long ago I am sure that our Customer Services folks had answered this as there was no follow up to the question. Since this was posted though we have stopped accepting Credit card information on PGP encrypted forms as part of our PCI compliance strategy.


TownNews.com at NAB Show 2018, Apr 9 - Apr 12

Cherry Wolf (Marketing specialist) 6 years ago updated by Christine Masters 6 years ago 1

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TownNews.com and Field59 will be at the NAB Show next week with special guest Anchorman Ron Burgundy, ready to talk about all things video!

Will you be there? Let us know! Stop by South Upper Hall Booth SU14614 for your chance to meet our team and the Anchorman himself!

Take a pic and post to social with the #StayClassyNAB hashtag, then head across the aisle for a bite and a beer in the Draft House. It's new this year, and we're lucky enough to be right next to it for 4 whole days!