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Email Reach Stocks widget

Kevin M. Cox 7 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

Has anyone built a Stocks widget for the Flex Email Reach similar to the Email Reach | Email: Weather forecast block?


Character count for Calendar description

Ellen Meany 7 years ago in BLOX Total CMS 0

When we export self-service calendar listings for print, we'd like to be able to limit the word count without a lot of hand editing. To do this, it would help if the description field could be limited, especially for those listings that choose a print upsell. Say 250-300 characters max, with a countdown that tells the person entering the listing how much space they have left. 

This could also be a separate, short description field, perhaps, so the long version, if needed, could run online.  


Feature suggestion: Content blocks should not count as paragraphs for in-story ad purposes

Brendan 7 years ago in BLOX CMS 0


This is a suggestion to change some terms for the in-story ads. I know that the first one is supposed to show up after 3 paragraphs, but when you include a content block – a mugshot, or a link to a related article, for example – it counts those as a paragraph, often leading to blank space above the first ad block. An example of this can be found here.

If those did not count as paragraphs for ad spacing purposes, it would be better for spacing purposes.


Brendan Hartsell


Creating an event from the user dashboard should have the same fields and options as creating an event from BLOX.

Jason 7 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

When I create a new Sale Event within BLOX for an advertiser, I am prompted to enter a “Business” and a “Venue”. This works great for our needs because our Sale Events are cattle sales and the actual sale will often take place away from the ranch that is presenting the sale. Both the ranch and sale facility receive exposure. We want our readers/advertisers to be able to submit their own Sale Events from their user dashboard. But currently, they are not prompted to enter a “Business” and a “Venue”.

These two Sale Event creation methods should match.

Under review

Feature Request for Ad Owl: Include the Order Approved email in the Email Templates

Preston Gibson 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Phil Pracht (Product Manager) 7 years ago 3

For ad orders of print+online packages with Ad Runs defined by a Weeks (vs. Days) schedule, the system-generated email constructs a message which communicates a start date which aligns with the initial print edition date.  This messaging is inconsistent with our service delivery standard (online ads are published asap, in advance of print publication).  This errant messaging either fosters customer dissatisfaction or adds an administrative burden.  We can manually overwrite the message, but desire an automated solution.  We could construct a satisfactory email message, if this email were accessible via Email Templates.

Under review

Live "blogging" article updates

Robert Armstrong 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 7 years ago 3

We're interested in doing "Live" blogging or article updates. Previously we've just relied on Live Twitter Feeds in articles, but something more substantial would be better for the direction we're wanting to go.

Does anyone have a service that works well with BLOX? Any limitations or potential issues, such as the ~5 minute cache?

Are there any plans for implimenting a Live Blog/Article service in BLOX? Would be fantastic for stories about council meetings, elections, sports games to name a few. Possibly tying it closer to the mobile version of the back end would mean our reporters could do updates on-the-fly and on the field.


Geotargeting doesn't seem to be accurate

Nick 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 7 years ago 1

From time to time we have some national brands that want to advertise on our website. Many of those are only interested in certain zip codes. The problem is that I look up my IP online and some websites show I'm in the correct city but others show me in a different state entirely. BLOX seems to be the former in this instance and therefore I don't see the ads. This cuts out a lot of our ad impressions. I've even gone so far as to set a radius 100 miles from my zip code and still get nothing.

So is there anything that can be done to more accurately pinpoint where our users are located? Does anyone else ever experience this?

Christine Masters 7 years ago

Hi Nick!

On the desktop, we use IP address and, as you have experienced, it is really sketchy. You may be going through a VPN and that will also make things really crazy. On mobile, we use the device location, which is a lot better.

That being said, if you are looking at doing more advanced advertising techniques, I would recommend Google DFP. We have built-in integration with it, and everything is relatively easy to set up. And they have a free version! :)


Remove Google Street View from Featured Marketplace Business.

Jeff Sebestyen 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 7 years ago 4

All my business that are featured default to a Google Street View.  I do not see an option to remove the Google Street View.  There should be a Custom Property, or even an application setting for completely disable this.  

  • Some businesses use a home address, so the guys house is on the masthead.  
  • Some street views simply are of the back of the business, or have an incorrect image, or has an inappropriate image.  
  • Other times, this simply ruins the style of the page.

Why is there a Custom Property for everything but this?  Why is this being forced upon me? Please humble me, and show me there is a simple checkbox that I am missing.  

There is a Default Masthead Image that will appear which will generate a Street View of the business. This can be over-ridden by uploading a Masthead Image.

Christine Masters 7 years ago

Hi Jeff, 

This can be disabled entirely by navigating to URL Page Properties for your business directory URL.  Under the Business settings you'll find the setting "Streetview Masthead" with the option to turn it off. 


IDEA: Paywall options for collections, section pages

Marcus Fitzsimmons 7 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Christine Masters 7 years ago 2

We're in the process of locking down more content behind our paywall and have run into a limitation.

We'd like to lock our entire obit section behind the paywall so only subscribers can see the page that contains the assets. (Its obits, once you see the name, it just takes a google name search and you have the funeral home's page)

What would be a great help is either

1) Ability to make a section page require a subscription to view


2) the ability to move a collection behind the paywall

We're looking at it for some other cases, but if a collection is behind the wall, then in the case where headlines give away too much, having the option  where only subscribers could view them would also remedy the problem.

Christine Masters 7 years ago

Hi Marcus,

We have an experimental option that allows you to set subscription on non-story assets. Submit a ticket to our Customer Support and reference this ticket and we can help you set it up.

We don't currently have the ability to put the section page behind a paywall.


Auto schedule Ad reports export to email? Can it be done on Flex?

Kathy Kolb 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 7 years ago 2

I'm not seeing where to do it. Thanks!


Why won't my 2nd block leaderboard ads at the top show up?

KathyG 7 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Christine Masters 7 years ago 3

I added a block below the one that was there automatically in the template, and it shows up on the main page, but when you click on an article, it does NOT show up on the asset page?  Same goes for my GALLERY page albums and videos.  The 2nd leaderboard ad underneath the original one does not show up once you click on a photo album.

Christine Masters 7 years ago

Thanks for the quick response!  I JUST figured it out.  I've been working on it for 3 days... :-)  

The ad I had placed under the original block-leaderboard-ad had automatically been 1000px wide, which is too wide for that area on the asset pages.  It was also in the Index-top-featured content area.  I moved the 2nd ad block underneath the original block in the top global container - NOW IT WORKS!  



Thanks for responding so quickly...  I hope this helps someone else that needs MORE ad spots!

Under review

Google AMP: Inconsistent Fonts for Lists in AMP Articles

Robert Dundon 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 7 years ago 1

Note: I made a support ticket for this, but thought I'd share in case others are having the same problem.

While dealing with AMP pages, an internal "client" pointed out inconsistent fonts for lists in article (see attached screenshot)

I found this CSS in the macro amp_stylesheet() in macros/module.amp.css.utl in the Core TN component "AMP":

.asset-body p {

     color: #444;

     font-size: 16px;

     line-height: 27px;

    margin-bottom: 24px;


I accounts for paragraphs, but not lists. To fix that, I added the
following CSS to the macro "amp_customCssOverwrites" for now:

.asset-content ul li {

    color: #444

    font-size: 16px;

    line-height: 27px;

     margin-bottom: 24px;



Is Google Chrome Credit Card auto-fill disabled for everyone?

Jeff Sebestyen 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 7 years ago 1

I use Google Chrome.  I can autofill credit card information when I click on a Credit Card field on 99% of sites.  But when I'm in a form made in Blox, auto-fill works on everything BUT Credit Card.  Is this disabled across all TownNews sites?  For what reason? 

Christine Masters 7 years ago

Hi Jeff!

We are using Spreedly iFrame model, and they do not allow Chrome auto fill of credit card information for PCI compliance reasons.



Limit in-story ads based on length of the article

Nick 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 7 years ago 32

Can we somehow limit ads on short stories? It just looks REALLY bad to break a couple of sentences up like this.

Image 199

Christine Masters 7 years ago

The new automatic ad placement provides what we spoke about in this ticket... it has automatic ads but also has a better layout for short stories. Let me know what you think!


Under review

Is it possible to sort calendar search results by priority?

Brad Bautista 7 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 7 years ago 2

Hi all,

Publisher would like a handful of large, tentpole events to appear at the top of relevant calendar search results, the thought being that more popular events should be displayed above less popular events.

My initial thought on implementing this was to assign those events a higher priority within the calendar, then sort search results by priority.

I tested this by changing the Calendar URL field in the Featured Search block to read "/calendar/?s=priority" (sans quotes) but, running the search, found my high-priority test item third out of four results.

Is the result we're after possible this way? If so, what am I doing wrong?


Brad Bautista