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Feature request: Using cookies to remember users' preferences

Kyle Whitfield 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 8 years ago 1

Feature request: The ability to ask a user which 'section' of a site they'd like to default to next time they visit a certain page.

1) What problem(s) does this idea solve?
>> It's possible our company would one day like to market 1 URL to our readers instead of 3 (one for each market we cover). This feature would help us with our messaging.

2) Why do you need this idea implemented? Provide as many problems or use cases as possible.
>> Example: Joe Smith visits theadvocate.com. He sees a window that asks if he'd like the site to remember which page he'd like to visit next time he comes to theadvocate.com. Joe says 'yes, I'd like to automatically be taken to the New Orleans section (theadvocate.com/new_orleans).

3) How often would you use this feature? >> Daily

4) How many people in your organization would use this feature? >> Everyone. About 100

5) Post on TownNews community forum >> Will do


Metered Paywall

Kevin M. Cox 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 8 years ago 5

Is anyone running a metered paywall (vs. a hard paywall)?

We’ve started discussing the pros/cons prompted by this article:


I’d appreciate any feedback y’all have on the subject.

Under review

Who else's site having issues for users on Safari w/ iOS 10+?

Kyle Whitfield 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 13

As TN has advised, clearing the browser cache fixes the problem (we believe). Has anyone else had the issue? It looks like this. Any success sharing cache-clearing tips to readers?

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HTML assets and other assets in Facebook Instant

Kyle Whitfield 8 years ago in BLOX CMS 0

At the moment only related image assets are supported in Facebook Instant feeds. In the future, if the feed supported all related asset types TownNews could correctly integrate the widget as an HTML asset.

Would anyone else find this helpful? It'd allow videos, tweet, FB posts, Instagrams posts, etc to be available in your Instant Articles.


Please make "Broadcast" option available in Total CMS

Brad Boner 11 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 8 years ago 14
Is there any way to have the Broadcast options available in the Total CMS? We would like our reporters to be able to post their stories to Twitter and Facebook via the Broadcast option (under the "Other" tab in CMS), but all our reporters work in TCMS, where the option is not available.

It would also be nice to have the stories broadcast to the social media sites at the publication time set by the reporter.
Christine Masters 8 years ago
We're definitely wanting to add this in to TCMS - it just gets very complicated.

We have customers that may have a TCMS site feeding multiple websites. The Broadcast channels may not line up one to one from TCMS to the website - it almost needs to be tied into the site tag somehow.

Column view choices in TCMS

Lindy Ritz 8 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 8 years ago 1

I am probably not the first to suggest this feature, but for those of us in TCMS, are there plans to expand the options of column views under search results? Currently available are: Slug/Status/Sections/Authors/Priority/Start Time/Delete Time/Workflow/Print/Depth/Modify time/Modified by

Perhaps also having additional options of viewing:
Syndicated (show the syndicated icon)
Keywords (truncated, but at least the first few)
Notes (truncated too perhaps)
These could be timesavers so we wouldnt have to open every single asset to recall those details.


Integration of Double Click for Small Business

Christian D. 11 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 8 years ago 15
While I know TownNews has their remnant program, I've seen many sites that are on TownNews also using DoubleClick for small business that allows them to use the DoubleClick ad software and AdSense for remnant positions.  While I've got access to the templates to modify them, the docs aren't really up to date and I've not had the time to look into it further.  It would be nice if it would be 'easily' possible integrate DoubleClick into Blox (maybe this is already there and I'm not aware of it). I suppose the alternative is to create ad manager more like Double Click (for forecasting and such!)

All of date's news for a date in the past?

Brice Bertels 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Nick 8 years ago 3

Just wondering if any had any input on this?

Here's the goal: Provide a datepicker interface that will select any date and display a page with all of the assets published on that day, on one page.

Approach 1: Custom search page.

Starting point is something like this: http://www.columbiatribune.com/search/?d=2016-04-09&l=100&app=editorial&type=article

Using the search parameters: http://help.bloxcms.com/knowledge-base/applications/design/templates/modules/by_application/type/search/article_33ecc2fa-6e9a-11e5-b11b-6f69a19d81ac.html

Ideally, we want to put all of a single section's news, grouped with its peers (other articles of the section) and sorted by display priority. For instance, display all of /news/ section and it's children, sorted by display priority. After that, display all of /sports/ and it's children, sorted by priority as well.

You can do this, but you can't do it on one page. You could do all of /sports/ like http://www.columbiatribune.com/search/?d=2016-04-09&type=article&c[]=sports* but you would have to ajax these onto the page in order to display multiple sections.

One way around this problem is to filter the array of search results that you get back.

searchResults = cms.search.results;
articleGroup = tribune_filterAssetsByType(searchResults,'article','include');
newsGroup = tribune_filterByTopSection(newsGroup,'perspectives','exclude'); 
sportsGroup = tribune_filterByTopSection(articleGroup,'sports','include');

Where the filter macros just look for the appropriate sections or type and only return the correct ones. Because you're filtering by priority, this works, because you're not messing with the sorting, you're iterating in order. Behold, a list of assets of a section, sorted by priority, just like we want.

So this works great except for one sort of big caveat: When you have over 100 stories, it's incomplete. You can't return more than 100 search results at once, so you're stuck either ajaxing in the remainder after page load, which requires you writing a second version of your filtering at the script layer to do this... An inelegant solution at best.

Fantasy Approach 2: Using blocks

This isn't possible as far as I know right now. It also avoids all custom programming sorts of stuff and fits right into the "everything is a block" paradigm and that's great. If you had some way to grab url query parameters or read POST parameters out of the page request inside the block query rules, you could do some cool stuff.

Here's an example of how this might work:

In block query rules, you add "Start Date time" rule. In the operation list, there's a "From Request" and then an input to enter the name of a URL parameter.

That's all the user facing stuff that would be needed.

This blows open what is possible with blocks, IMHO. I could build my project above in 15 minutes and be done.

With this and some way to define URL routes and act on them, BLOX becomes a much more powerful framework. Say you wanted to make /archive/2015/ point to a landing page for 2015 or archive yyyy to go to any year's page, but you didn't want to define hundreds of years by hand and thousands of months under them, you need some sort of routing interface and some way to get that routing info into the Blocks.

Only actual approach 3: Using javascript

The search page has a JSON output, with f=json. That means I could load lots of search pages with whatever parameters I choose, parse the JSON, and build a page. Downsides, I need to make a version of card_summary in JS to put the things on the page.

This would be good practice for a native app as well.


Change google's description of my site

Cole 8 years ago updated by Patrick O'Lone (Director of Software Development) 8 years ago 1

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I want to change this description of my website, our school changed its name. What do I have to do to change this


You'll need to change the metadata of the pages being indexed. The help documentation provides some instruction on this:


If you've change the name of the paper and need the site's titles changed - you'll also need to update your settings in the menu entry Settings > Site. Note that it may take a bit for search engines to pick up the changes though there are ways to convince Google to check back a bit sooner in the webmaster tools for the site in Google:



Block Syndication Import in TotalCMS

Kevin M. Cox 8 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated 8 years ago 1

Is there a way to disable the importing of assets from a Syndication channel?

We created one in TotalCMS that allows us to easily search our website since it contains years of articles that aren’t in TCMS. However when users import these articles is creates the potential for them to show up on the website twice.

It would be great if there was an option for a “read-only” syndication channel that disables the Add to Site function.


Feature request: 1+ people working in same asset

Kyle Whitfield 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 8 years ago 1

It'd be awesome if BLOX allowed multiple people to be working the same asset simultaneously AS LONG AS they were working in separate fields.

For example, one person correcting a headline mistake, another fleshing out body copy and another attaching a photo.

If there was field access, instead of asset access, that would go a long way in helping with big breaking news.


Feature request: Instant link on BLOX from phone

Kyle Whitfield 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Kevin M. Cox 8 years ago 1

Our guys love posting to BLOX from their phones. But they aren't able to quickly get a link to tweet or FB when posting on the phone like they do on laptop.

We would use this feature A LOT. Everyone in our newsroom would use.

Example: New Orleans Saints sign Drew Brees to new contract. Reporter finds out while on practice field. Needs to file and disseminate news from phone. Can't do latter.


Repercussions of changing wireframes

Nick 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Robert Dundon 8 years ago 1

How many times have you wanted to change the wireframe you're using? I've successfully changed non-home pages with no issues. But I know as soon as I switch wireframes on the home page it's going to completely screw up all of my other pages. Has anyone done this? If so how did it affect the inside pages?

This may be for another post but I think something that would really help would be the ability to create regions. How hard would that be for a non-UTL user?


Feature request(s): BLOX admin enhancements

Kyle Whitfield 8 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by anonymous 8 years ago 5

We'd love for y'all to consider a more intuitive BLOX interface (selfishly speaking b/c I"m sure our workflow is different from others) …

-- the ability to search for a story, drop it into a block and re-order the items in the block w/o having to open multiple tabs/individual blocks.

-- Also, could related stories we drag into an asset show up in a related box underneath the centerpiece when the asset is put in that block? Right now we have to manually define centerpiece related stories.

-- Would also be helpful to 'link' block to one another so a story can seamlessly flow from one block to another on a page.

Right now when we change centerpiece story, for example, we have to change the CP, then move that CP'd story -- which is still being widely-read -- into another prominent block on the page.

We would use these features VERY often.


Multiple pictures per article

Cole 8 years ago updated by Robert Armstrong 8 years ago 1

Is there a way to add more than one picture per article without them showing up in a gallery like view. For example, is there a way to have one image a the top of the story and another one midway through?