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Customizable Menu on AMP Template
What problem(s) does this idea solve? Why do you need this idea implemented? Provide as many problems or use cases as possible.
Several site editors have expressed a need to have some level of control over the menu being used. Currently, the AMP template always pulls the navigation from the nav region "mobile-nav-left," no matter what. There are no overrides or changes available to this, as it's hard-coded[1].
How often would you use this feature?
As often as site editors want to change/adjust the navigation.
How many people in your organization would use this feature?
At least 3-5 site editors (one at each of our sites)
[1]: The code is on line 8 or module.amp.nav.utl in the Core TN AMP component in Flex.
Infinity Scroll - Card: Summary blocks - Safari
I'm very happy to see this new option:
Encourage engagement with new Infinity Scroll option on "Card: Summary" block
In my testing it seems to be working great in Chrome and Firefox, but not in Safari (desktop or mobile). The little spinning loading graphic just sits there and never loads any other content.
Has anyone else seen this issue on their site? Is it a known issue?
Safari accounts for 42% of our traffic so we need to make sure the feature is working there before enabling it across the site.
Hi guys!
Thanks for reporting this. Yes, we've confirmed this is an issue and it is fixed in the next upcoming release.
Twitter preview occasionally picks up second photo on a story -- any idea if that can be fixed?
A co-worker noticed that Twitter sometimes displays the second photo on a story.
This story is one example: http://www.herald-dispatch.com/business/business-beat-demolition-of-old-hotel-makes-way-for-new/article_385a370a-9839-511b-be98-3054d3fb78dc.html
Twitter shows a Valley Health photo instead of the demolition photo.
Any idea why, and if there is a way to fix it?
The og:image meta information on the page, which is how Twitter is supposed to get the preview, points to the right information.
So, at the time Twitter scraped the page, either the image wasn't there, it was in the wrong order, it wasn't the right size, or there was some other issue.
To fix these kinds of issues, you can run the Twitter Card validator, which causes a page rescrape:
After I did that, the preview in the validator shows the correct image. It SHOULD update the preview now in a little bit (it takes a while to go through maybe 15 - 30 mins).
Here is info on how to update Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn cards:
Author page available upon syndication
We have a lot of sister sites that share content. It would be nice if the author page was linked to the syndicated story, especially when a user account is created on the syndicated site.
Metered paywall messages
Does anyone else see the value in having a sign-in or sign-up link in every message readers get through the metered paywall messaging -- instead of just the final message? We have had some readers tell us they would prefer that then realizing it at the final message. See attached art. This is simple rendering of what it would look like.
We Need A-B Tests For Headlines!
This is a foolproof way that you guys could help publishers drive more traffic, almost immediately!
For an Article/Collection/Etc Asset Title, just give two (or more) boxes. If a publisher wants to A/B test the headline, they can fill in the second (or third, etc) box(es) with an alternate headline.
Alternate which of those is displayed to readers as they view the article on the site.
Let the publisher choose how many views the article needs in order for there to be a "winner" headline. Then by default pick the winning one.
PLEASE do this!!!
Using a form for community voting; restricting multiple submissions from same email
We were recently selected to facilitate online voting through our site for a government appreciation program.
Requesting an option to disable multiple form submissions from the same email when set as a required field.
Thank you.
Feature Request: Add CSS and JS Options Per-Block Template
Currently, we can include JS and CSS for block templates in <style>
and <script>
tags, of course. And I know and have used the this.block.add_css()
method before.
But, can we have an option those separate from the UTL, but still scoped within the block (sort of like Vue files). Here's an example screenshot:
..so anything in "Block JavaScript" would be in the page (inline or script), and the CSS within this.block.add_css()
Webinar | Drive your users to action with our all-new Promo Designer block
Webinar recording now available
At our September customer webinar, Christine Masters, director of product management at TownNews.com, introduced the all-new Promo Designer block and showed how to entice users with promotional overlays, slide-ins, and other offer messages. Susan Bell, senior product manager, also showed off some of the new features of the recently redesigned BLOX Now App.
Topics included:
- A variety of offers you can make including some not-so-obvious ideas.
- Step-by-step how to create a promotional offer using the new Promo Designer in BLOX CMS.
- How to use iQ Engage and Google Tag Manager (GTM) to track or personalize offers.
- . . . and more!
REQUEST: Add broadcast to social media to mobile admin site
For the mobile admin site, what are the chances of adding the option to broadcast to social media?
If a reporter is filing from the field, they have to create and save the story, open the story, go to the link, copy the link, go to Facebook and post the link.
Adding the broadcast option would make the process much faster.
Auto Slideshow
We here at our paper would really like to see the auto slideshow functionality reinstated. This is a very nice feature and we actually have partnered with other paper and made a widget using this technology, it is not as effective without it. Hoping we can get some support on this topic.
Poll made in TCMS not showing up in CMS
Our sports staff made a poll in TCMS but it is not showing up in CMS. There are section tags and it is marked complete.
Printing Comments
We just got a reader request to make it easier to print out the comments on an article.
I'll admit I never realized that when you go to print an article page, even just using the browser's print function, that comments are omitted.
The use case here are an elderly family member that doesn't use the internet but likes to read the comments on articles.
Any thoughts?
Signup blocking, import/export, CRUD api.
While the signup blocking panel is handy, it becomes a problem quickly when you want to bulk load a list of domains, or even move a populated list from one BLOX site to another.
It would also be handy to be able to use repositories that contain full list of "toxic" email domains... Like:
* https://github.com/martenson/disposable-email-domains
* https://github.com/ivolo/disposable-email-domains
Over even to setup an import of domains from sites like stopforumspam.com.
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