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Editing e-edition segments?

Greg Wood 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Nick 9 years ago 1
We have to do a lot of cleanup after the automatic segmenting and it seems to me there should be a way to edit a segment, that is change the asset it points to, or change it from a cutout to a segment that links to an asset, without removing it and starting over. At least there should be a way to tell from looking at the segments what kind they ares and where they are linking to. Or am I missing something? Just a minor annoyance.

Editing tables in assets

Donald 9 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Cathy 9 years ago 1
* Recommendation:
Use TinyMCE editor for assets in TCMS & CMS.

* What problem(s) does this idea solve?
The ability to insert columns or rows or delete columns or rows after a table is created.

* Why do you need this idea implemented?
We have rule sets which convert agate to tables, but sometimes some of the rows have no content. I can't expect a reporter or editor to open the HTML view and reliably know which <tr> & <td> tags to remove. Having the ability to click on a row and then select delete row is much easier and more reliable.

* How often would you use this feature?
Every night.

* How many people in your organization would use this feature?
All of the sports department (6) plus any of the reporters or editors, or clerks (another 19).

Email import articles directly into workflow

Eric 9 years ago in BLOX CMS 0
I would really like to see a way to import articles via email to the blox editor and then automatically have those added into the start of a workflow to be edited. This would streamline our production of content greatly! Currently we have to have someone here to monitor the feed and manually place assets into workflow to be copy-edited. This is not as efficient as it could be.

Is this currently possible? If not, this needs to be a new feature.

A note: We already have email importing set up and running. We also have workflow set up and running.

CMS Print Tab and/or depth inch count

Craig V 9 years ago in BLOX CMS 0
Is it possible to have the Print tab that is in tcms available in cms? Or at least the depth count?
Under review

HTML Editor

Andrew McBride 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Mike Stickler 9 years ago 4
Are there any plans to upgrade the HTML editing in Blox?

Some suggestions and things I would love to see:
  • syntax highlighting
  • emmet integration
  • tab/whitespace formatting and sanitization

Where to change the Touch 5 author asset_author_display

Nick 9 years ago in BLOX CMS 0
I'm trying to get the mobile assets to show the author name instead of the username. The byline is under the headline, so that's good. However the author field under the image in the right-rail shows the username with the avatar. Is there a way to change that to display the person's actual name?

form designer and submission results

Mike Stickler 9 years ago 0
Everything in my earlier rant: http://community.townnews.com/topic/604414-form-designer/ is still applicable. Here i'm more fixated on the submission results.

I have noticed, if I setup a new url and create a simple new form pointed at that url and use that form then from the form designer I can click the submissions button and see data submitted to that form.

However I try to be efficient (lazy.) If I have a new form (Form B) that needs to be an almost exact copy of an old form (Form A) I will clone Form A and rename it Form B. When I do so, the submissions button in the form designer never returns any results.

There was ticket related to this behavior the result of which was don't use the submissions button in the form designer, instead use Community/Form Submissions...

If I use Community/Form Submissions and try to get results for 1 form, I expand title and then have to manually deselect every form. This is annoying and is made even more so because I frequently had to use 3-6 blox forms to replace the functionality of one newsys form. YOU NEED TO BE ABLE TO SELECT/DESELECT ALL TITLES WITH A SINGLE CLICK. (When I say had to I mean that was the solution Townnews gave me when converting the old forms)

In an effort to make it easier to process forms related to a current promotion I renamed the form A1Pizza Form and sorted by form name.

Sorting results by form name does not sort results by form name. I get "Account Verification", "Anniversary Announcement", "Portland Leader Calendar Contest", "Messenger-Inquirer Calendar Contest", "Birthday Club Registration", "Messenger-Inquirer Black Friday Deals", "Change of Address" etc, etc for 540 pages of submissions.

I have no idea if my "A1 Pizza Card"'s are going to show up under "A" or "P" for "Pizza Cards" or "T" for "Taste of home" (the name of the form I originally cloned.) or even where those would be.

The current setup is sloppily coded and allows the user (me) to be sloppy and the results are sloppyx2.

If renaming forms is going to cause these kind of issues then it needs to not be allowed.



Craig V 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Andrew McBride 9 years ago 3
Are there any recorded webinars on Flex from Town News?
Christine Masters 9 years ago
Hi Craig!

We have not yet done a public webinar on Flex. We're hoping to do something later this year! :)
Under review

Add swiping to e-edition on mobile

Christian Ramirez 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Christine Masters 9 years ago 5
We've gotten some feedback recently on our E-Edition and our customers would really like the ability to swipe between HTML pages.

Webinar: New BLOX Ad-Owl boosts ad renewals; Email Reach best practices

anonymous 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 0
At this month's webinar, we'll show off the latest BLOX Ad-Owl improvements, AAM circulation tracking and more. Topics will include:

Image 88- User-friendly Ad-Owl payment options and expiration reminders increase classified ad renewals and customer satisfaction.

- Alliance for Audited Media (AAM) tracking support for BLOX Subscription makes circulation verification easier.

- Bonus: Christine Masters shares tips and tricks for getting the best results from your BLOX Email Reach campaigns!

Join us on Thursday, Sept. 3rd at 10:30 AM CST.

Calendar scheduling on front end not detailed

Nick 9 years ago in BLOX CMS 0
I'm having a business flooding my inbox with calendar events. That's all fine and dandy, but they're making two listings for the same event because there are two schedules. For example one schedule is Mon-Fri from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. and the other is Saturday from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. In the back end I can condense the two but each time I have to make sure I'm editing the correct event and they aren't actually two separate events.

So is there something I'm missing in the front end that would allow for multiple schedules?

Comments "Real Names"

Kevin M. Cox 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated by Mike Stickler 9 years ago 3
Is anyone else using the "Real Name" option for reader comments on your site? We made the switch earlier this summer.

You can read about why we made the change here: http://www.galvnews.com/realname/

Content importer author

Nick 9 years ago in BLOX CMS 0
I'd like the ability to have an email field for a content importer to assign an author rather than automatically assigning the sender of the email as the author. For instance we've got some people who write articles but I just don't trust enough to allow them to email their stories correctly to our breaking news importer. So an editor or someone a little more tech-savvy would have to do it and the system will set them as the author rather than the actual author.

I know there are no other fields available but maybe having a code like >>jsmith<< will be read as the author and John Smith will be set as the author while the rest of the body would be the body of the asset.

Link Assets

Mike Stickler 11 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 9 years ago 11
Does anyone know of a way for link assets to open in a new tab?

Settings > Jobs Import starting at a specific timestamp

Craig V 9 years ago in BLOX CMS updated 9 years ago 0
Is there a way to have a job feed from an rss start on at a particular day. Example: I have a feed with older content and want to create assets from that feed that were added starting today. Anything older then today would be ignored.