Your comments

What type of video player are you using? Is it just BLOX video? Also, if there are requirements or specifications from Whiz, that would really help. We could add specific features or a specialized feed.

One thing we are working on right now is having auto refresh of ads. I literally just saw the development version of this yesterday, so it is coming very soon.

What we're looking at is a new set of choices around ad refreshing:

- All applicable ads refresh whenever triggered (default behavior)

- Only applicable ads in the viewport refresh whenever triggered

- Auto refresh all applicable ads in the viewport due to user action on a 60-second timer

- Do not refresh ads

So, this means that the auto refresh setting will refresh designated ads (in Ad Manager you can choose them, in DFP it means all of them), that are in the viewport, every 60 seconds as long as there is a user action, such as scrolling down the page to reveal new content and articles.

When we were testing this, we had the timer set at refreshing every 5 seconds, if there was a user action. That's a really long time when you're scrolling down a news article, honestly! And, it isn't refreshing every 5 seconds over and over ... it only does it when the user scrolls down the page (or clicks on a slideshow or paging), so this doesn't feel spammy at all.

I'm looking at this page for the DFP / AdX rules: 

We also are working with our programmatic vendors to make sure whatever we do will be approved by them as well.

Let me know what you think of this!

I'm not sure if we'll want to add that link, just because there are so many things in that interface that don't work on touch phones, and providing an official link may imply more support than our dev team is willing to put out there. I will ask though! :)

Also, we are in discussions in regard to adding a lot more stuff to BLOX Go, so we'll hope to remove a lot of differentiation in the long term.

That being said, I personally have needed to go into the admin on my phone in an emergency to fix something - so I feel your pain.

That "full site" link on Zen uses a URL parameter to create a cookie which says you don't want to see the mobile version of a site. That cookie is then telling the admin not to consider you mobile as well, by happenstance.

For now, you could just go to to get the cookie set, and then you'll be good for that session.

Hey Ashley! What is your use case for wanting to do this? Just make sure a block has updated content? Refreshing ads? What's up? =)

Right... this is using the FactCheck schema so - in theory - you could do those little Politifact-style "Pants on Fire" fact check posts. Local politicians and other big wigs need to be fact checked too! =) But yeah, I doubt you'd do a "Best Bands in Town" post and add this? I assume!

We have a feature request in for an option on subscription that it would not show ads to subscribers.

In addition, something we've been discussing with lots of partners is our iQ Engage product. Using this, you can create groups of users based on their traits such as being a subscriber, being a frequent user or, alternatively, by being a drive by (one time) user.

Then, using audience targeting with iQ Engage, you can show LESS ads to your loyal users and subscribers, and show more behaviorally-targeted blocks of content instead.

A block of targeted content served to a loyal user will generate more page views, and more ad impressions, than an extra ad unit served to a one-time user.

Also remember that you could use pinned assets and schedule them. You right click on the pinned asset to get the scheduling capability. This is nice because you can have a completely different schedule for each of the pinned items, AND you can use it in addition to the other "no earlier than" rules.

Something we're working on is giving blocks the ability to be full-width ... so your whole layout doesn't have to be full width. The article pages on the 'fluid' layout can be difficult to read on desktop... especially it you look at longform... BUT, they do look good on mobile, so we've been looking at more and more full-width options because it is more along the lines of mobile first design.

You can see my testing at, showing test blocks with a "full width" capability. Or, if that doesn't work (I change it a lot, so it may not be the same if you read this later), here is a screenshot of desktop.

On mobile I am not sure if I like the variation between the mosaic blocks with no padding and the mosaic single-item blocks with padding. So I've been thinking of just adding padding to the regular mosaic as an option.

Additionally, we are looking at having a background to the block, and then the option making that background full width, so you can have "strips" of full width items, or full width color. An example at the bottom of the site shows the unconstrained content and constrained content versions:

We've been looking at a lot of ways to do more full-width options like this, because it works so well on mobile. We're also working on full-width image options for inline photo placements. This is a tablet width, but looks similar on mobile:

Check it out! Coming later this month...

Hi Nick!

If you put in a CRM ticket, our accounting staff can look up that information for you. I did look up one of your recent months, and I'll just say that this program is paying about 65% of your BLOX hosted fees for all of your umbrella sites! So you're doing quite well! (Sorry!)

I would also mention in the ticket that may want to experiment with tweaks to the formula or the design to be more in line with something you're comfortable with. You may be able to tweak the logic slightly to optimize less on revenue (you may make a little less money, but have better ads) before just removing them entirely.