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Design feature requests

Brad Boner 4 years ago in BLOX Total CMS 0

1. Allow Description and Byline field to display under video assets that are inserted into stories, similar to how photo assets placed into story text displays the Caption and Byline fields (this may be being addressed). Currently video assets that are placed into stories do not display the Description for Byline fields, giving readers no context to tee them up about what they are about to watch.

2. Allow an option to display a caption and byline under a story asset's Cover Art.

3. Allow an option to display a caption and byline under a photo that's placed inline into a story, and the "Presentation" is set to "Parallax."

4. For photo assets whose presentation is set to "Showcase," allow these assets to display at the "Showcase" width when placed inline into stories (they currently do not). Alternatively, add a "Showcase" option to the "Presentation" tab under "Inline display properties" that are available when a photo asset is placed inline into a story. This would allow a presentation width that's essentially between the "Full" (default) and the "Full Bleed" options.

5. Find a way to allow photographs to display side-by-side when placed in-line into text. For example, it would be cool if 2-3 photographs could display side-by-side the full width of the browser window. We're able to fudge this by creating a triptych in Photoshop (you can see an example of how we've done this by scrolling down toward the bottom of this story) but it would be quicker to be able to do this inside Blox.

These options would give us more flexibility and enhance online displays. 


Feature request: Add byline when batch editing assets

Alex Hayes 6 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Jim Green 4 years ago 2

Batch upload/batch edit is especially useful when dealing with photos but I am disappointed it does not automatically add the byline when I select the user.


Feature request: Taglines in River of News

Mariel Tam-Ray 4 years ago in BLOX Total CMS 0

We've put in a feature request to have taglines to appear in the River of News in our e-Edition. I'm told the asset tagline was never implemented into the segmented article view in the River of News. I'm surprised it isn't already a thing. 

What problem(s) does this idea solve? Why do you need this idea implemented?

Our e-Edition readers are unable to see the bios and contact info of the writers when they're reading articles in the river of news, unless they zoom in on the page view. This is not a big deal for stories written by our regular bylined reporters, but it does leave out an important chunk of information about our numerous op-ed writers.

How often would you use this feature?

Daily, constantly, in maybe 90% of our stories.

How many people in your organization would use this feature?

All, for all e-Edition readers.

Under review

Poll results aren't displaying

Editor Jen 4 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Matt Reyes 4 years ago 1

The results of poll questions are no longer visible on our website. Can someone please advise

Matt Reyes 4 years ago

Hi Jen -

These poll results won't display on non-HTTPS pages. This is likely the problem here, we've had a number of these requests lately.

Here is our documentation on how to make your site secure:



Search by author

Mike Stickler 5 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated 5 years ago 1

Ugh!!! - There needs to be a way to search for assets based on who's working on it that is not tied to print or online presentation. "Created By", "Last Modified by", or preferably an "Assigned to" field should be a searchable option(s).

Only about half the content in our paper should be attributable to a specific author so we don't need/want the author field populated for records, obituaries, compiled reports, or articles with a "Newsroom" byline. However this eliminates the authors easiest method to find "Their Stuff"

Sorry guys but this seems like a no-brainer and I am confused why it isn't already present.


Breaking news writethroughs

Henry M. Lopez 5 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Mike Stickler 5 years ago 5

My colleagues tell me that if we did an online breaking news story, then we'd have to use a different asset for the final story that would go in print and online. That would generate a second url for the same story whcih makes no sense. I would think one could do the breaker, then just use notes to do the writethrough. What do you all do?


Feature request: Cropping images assets for web and print

scott rada 5 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Mike Stickler 5 years ago 1
It would be helpful if TCMS let users crop a photo for use in print, too.

News Budgeting Process

Henry M. Lopez 5 years ago in BLOX Total CMS 0

Hello, Folks.

We're just moving from web hosting to full integration of Total CMS. Can someone hear give me an example of how you do your news budgeting using BLOX Total CMS. What are best practices, frustrations, opportunities? Thanks.

Christine Masters 5 years ago

Hi Alex!

An asset that has published changes will update automatically within moments - you just have to contend with any related caching time (including browser cache).

On front and index pages, where the asset must get through additional layers of caching, it may take longer.

However, please see this help article on how to speed up page updates for breaking and important news:



Feature request: Batch editing in Page Tracker's budget view

Andrea 5 years ago in BLOX Total CMS 0

The budget view in Page Tracker is a great tool to see what has happened to all of the stories we had budgeted for an edition. 

However, there are several budgeted stories that do not get used each night. It would be great to have a batch edit option so we could change the start date of those assets to a future date -- without have to open each asset to do so. 


Searching by last modified by

Nancy Bennett 9 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Andrea 5 years ago 1
We would like to be able to search in Total CMS by last modified by. This would be a huge time saver for copy editors and would be the equivalent of searching by author. (We had this feature in our old system and several employees are missing being able to do it.)
Under review

Slower time sending from TCMS to Blox?

Lindy Ritz 5 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated by Joe Hansen (Product manager) 5 years ago 1

We've noticed lately that to send anything to Blox from TCMS, the process has severely slowed down and the story has to remain in 'Posted' workflow for at least a minute. It used to be that you could save it in 'Posted' workflow, and it was immediately on its way - and so were we.

When did this change? I have not found a release note to verify. It creates hangups - especially when saving with a breaking flag, and it gets in editors' ways when you have to physically wait to ensure the story makes it live into Blox. 

Under review

Set author on photo processed through Jobs folder?

Kevin M. Cox 8 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated 5 years ago 17

We send staff photos into TCMS through a "hot folder" that is processed as a Job on the server. We use several properties there to set the section and workflow depending on the folder used.

Is there a way to have TCMS automatically assign an author to an image through one of these functions? I found the following setting put it doesn't appear to work.

  • property_import_author: sets all imported assets to have a specific property. Example 2: property_import_author='jdoe'.

Any help is appreciated.


IPTC/XMP parsing improvements

Kevin M. Cox 5 years ago in BLOX Total CMS updated 5 years ago 0

This is an extension of this old topic that I recently drug back up: https://community.townnews.com/communities/1/topics/625-set-author-on-photo-processed-through-jobs-folder

I just submitted a feature request (Ticket # 742706) for improvements to the parsing of IPTC/XMP metadata of photographs when they are imported into the system via FTP (a Job / Importer) or via the browser interface.

Currently only the following fields are parsed and automatically added to the image asset:

Description/Caption --> Caption

The Title --> Title

Creator --> Byline

Keywords --> Keywords

The highest priority addition we'd like to see is having the "Creator's CI: Email@1, Email@2 (ref2017.1)" or "Iptc4xmpCore:CiEmailWork" field be matched against system users and if found set as the Photographer/Author of the image asset.

An additional request would be to have the "City (Core) (ref2017.1)" field be matched against Geolocations in the BLOX system and automatically adding any that match.

Both of these would save our photographers a ton of time, especially crucial when filing on deadline. Right now they have to open the TCMS browser interface to make these changes whereas if they were done automatically they could avoid that step.

I know making changes to existing behavior won't be as easily considered, but I'd like to suggest changing the IPTC field used to populate the BLOX Byline field.

Currently it is the IPTC "Creator1 (ref2017.1)" field but I think using the "Credit Line (ref2017.1)" field would be more appropriate. The current behavior requires us to put the stylized byline format we'd like to see in the Creator field instead of the photographer's name.

The Credit Line field is the one intended to be used for that purpose:


Please let me know what y'all think.

